Re: DID identifiers have a dependency on

On Sun, 24 Feb 2019 at 22:40, Manu Sporny <> wrote:

> On 02/23/2019 07:12 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > Seems like a can of worms, but I am sure solutions can be found.
> > Just that they seem complex?
> -1 for just about every solution that's been described in this thread
> thus far. :P
> Ok, so I'm being a bit flippant, but this is a long understood and,
> AFAICT, solved problem.
> W3C will eventually ask us to change that URL to something like this:
> When the DID WG closes, the content at that URL will be frozen for all
> of time. It will become acceptable, and we will encourage people, to
> permanently cache that URL in implementations (no going out to the
> network necessary, and no need to do JSON-LD processing if you hardcode
> your implementations).

OK, that makes sense!  So is just a stop gap.

Will this apply to all the dependent vocabs too such as "sec"

And what about my point that new algorithms are added on a year by year
basis?  How does that match with the freeze for all time.

Genuine questions, I'm buying into this solution.

> This is the exact approach we took for Verifiable Credentials (and in
> our own implementations) and it seems to be working just fine.
> Happy to entertain/debate assertions that this approach doesn't work,
> because if it doesn't, we're in for a world of pain in the VCWG and the
> WoT WG. :)

So how about those that have the same canonical form but want to use full
URIs, which save a round trip on top of all the other advantages I describe

Will the spec allow this, or can we be in willful violation but provide
implementations that pass the test suite?

> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Veres One Decentralized Identifier Blockchain Launches

Received on Sunday, 24 February 2019 22:13:44 UTC