- From: Markus Sabadello <markus@danubetech.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2019 21:44:35 +0100
- To: W3C Credentials CG <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <23691fd4-431f-b5f1-9593-59832a07f0e6@danubetech.com>
All, find attached a calendar invite for the bi-weekly DID Resolution calls. Next will be on Thu, February 21st 2019. We'll send an agenda in the next few days in a separate e-mail. Markus On 2/11/19 6:58 PM, Markus Sabadello wrote: > > Here are notes from the kickoff call for the DID Resolution work item, > on Thu, February 7th 2019: > https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > *RECORDING > *https://github.com/w3c-ccg/meetings/tree/gh-pages/2019-02-07-did-resolution* > * > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > *ATTENDEES* > > Adrian Gropper, Dave Longley, Dmitri Zagidulin, Jonny Crunch, Kim > Duffy, Markus Sabadello, Michael Herman, Nader Helmy, Paul Knowles, > Stephen Felt, Tom Jones, Victor Grey > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > *NOTES* > > *1. Introductions* > > Why is everyone on the call and what are your interests. > > *2. Mode of operation:* > > This is a work item of the W3C Credentials CG. > IPR rules apply, you must be a member of the CG to contribute. > Zoom seems to work for everyone - we will continue to use it. > We will record the Zoom calls. > We will use IRC and the queuing feature. > We will try to use the scribing feature on the next call if possible. > We will have bi-weekly calls at 9pm Vienna = 8pm GMT = 3pm US Eastern > = noon US Pacific. > Jonathan Holt proposed to use Waffle for organizing work around Github > issues. > > *3. Scope and structure of the DID Resolution spec:* > > At this point we are discussing the high-level scope and structure of > the spec, and how it relates to the main DID spec > > Some discussion points [please excuse the rough notes, next time we > will try to use the regular scribing feature]: > > - Should the DID Document be defined in the main DID spec or DID > Resolution spec. See https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution/issues/15 > - DmitriZ: The DID Document is not an exclusive artifact of DID > Resolution; it can have use outside of resolution. > - DaveL: The draft DID WG Charter covers the data model, the DID > Resolution spec should therefore point to the main DID spec. > - DaveL: This is a common pattern in W3C to separate the data model > and protocol (also see Verifiable Claims WG). > - MarkusS and JonnyC: The data model and syntax are also separate, so > DID Resolution could theoretically return a DID Document in a syntax > that is not JSON-LD. > - Should we define a "DID Resolution Result" data structure, which > includes the DID Document plus additional information about the > resolution process? See > https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution/issues/23 > - While the DID Document describes the DID subject, the "DID > Resolution Result" would describe the DID Document and could include > validity data, expiration, and other metadata. > - TomJ: This data structure should be a high priority, under section 4. > - DaveL: An input parameter could be introduced that controls what > type of output you want. > - Is it possible to enumerate all DID Documents on a ledger? This may > be a method-specific feature. See: > https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution/issues/20 > - Is it possible to resolve an earlier version of a DID Document? Yes > there seems to be consensus that this should be supported; it may be > method-specific. See: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-spec/issues/64, > https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution/issues/12, > https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution/issues/10 > - How will points of contention of this group be managed? Discussion, > then attempt resolution, we want to achieve consensus. > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > *NEXT DID RESOLUTION CALL > * > > Thu, February 21st 2019 >
- text/calendar attachment: did-resolution.ics
Received on Sunday, 17 February 2019 20:45:04 UTC