Re: Datashards and Secure Data Hubs... how to achieve convergence?

Let’s consider the prescription use-case we maintain as part of the HIE of
One self-sovereign tech stack. We need to:
- control and share signed data
- encrypt the data as much as practical
- all parties keep archival copies in case of dispute
- revoke the data (prescription) when an inspector decides (dispenses).

Would we code the prescription into a Verifiable Credential or a Datashard
or a combination?

Let’s assume the doctor (issuer) uses her DID wallet to:
- hold a credential acceptable to the pharmacist (inspector1), and
- to sign the prescription in an accountable way (inspector2).

The patient wants to shop the prescription to various pharmacies (based on
their public pricing), keep it private unless a dispute arises, and have
the flexibility of transacting with the pharmacist online or in-person.

What’s the preferred way to manage routing to a particular pharmacy and
then revocation if and when a pharmacist dispenses the prescription? Is the
solution different for VC vs. Datashard?


On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 9:37 AM Christopher Lemmer Webber <> wrote:

> As promised, here's that rant.  It's not actually all that ranty.  ;)
> So having seen Datashards and DB's work on Secure Data Shards, and
> knowing that I occasionally contract for DB, you might think that maybe
> DB also had something to do with Datashards.  That's not the case, other
> than that I've been trying to convince them of the ideas for the last
> few years (we do talk a lot, but I haven't been paid for any work at all
> in this area).  Over time we've come closer, but our work has happened
> seperately, and we keep checking in and seeing that we come to many of
> the same conclusions for different reasons, but not all of them.  So the
> ideas are close, but they aren't yet aligned.  I hope at RWoT we can get
> some better convergence.
> There is one major difference that, in truth, barely matters (except
> that it kind of does):
>  - A difference in how data is serialized.  We can discuss this, it's
>    not too important though.  It's easy enough to get convergence on
>    this issue.
> There are also several things that I used to argue for that we've
> already come to convergence on:
>  - The need for symmetric encryption on content-addressed content
>    (well, at least we agree it's needed for some things; I'll argue
>    for all CAS things later)
>  - The need to chunk content into 32kb chunks
> Yay, convergence!
> Then there are several different differences which actually matter:
>  - Datashards not only specifies an immutable system, but also a mutable
>    system that layers on top of the immutable data.  The design is
>    mostly taken from Tahoe-LAFS (which has done almost everything right
>    except for making their system ~universal in a way that can be
>    applicable on the web... in Tahoe you have to run things on specific
>    clusters).
>  - Datashards has two universal URI schemas that can exist *outside* of
>    a data hub.  idsc: is for immutable data, mdsc: is for mutable data.
>    This is, I would argue, a nice feature.  You can use these for
>    everything you would normally put an https: link; this includes
>    json-ld contexts and linking to cat photos and all sorts of things.
>    (This is what I mean by Datashards building "universal web
>    primitives".)
>  - Datashards can exist *anywhere*.  You can put them on a usb key, you
>    can stick them in a key-value web store, whatever.  I'm arguing that
>    Secure Data Hubs are a good idea, except that they should just be
>    "a common web interface to store your Datashards".  That's a big
>    feature because then you have a URI so you can refer to those same
>    objects univerally, the same way you an refer to an http uri, etc.
>  - I think DB isn't yet convinced that we need symmetric encryption for
>    *all* content-addressed content.  Again, I refer you to the podcast
>    for why this is, but I think that content-addressed peer to peer
>    systems that don't do symmetric encryption and chunking by default
>    not only don't have a nice privacy layer by default, but they put
>    node operators at risk.  (Imagine if you worked for a volunteer
>    postal delivery service, but instead of packages and letters being
>    wrapped in opaque paper, they were wrapped in syran wrap.  You might
>    start to feel like you need to make moral judgements for what you're
>    delivering, and even worse, making moral judgements may become so
>    commonplace that eventually a law is enacted telling all postal
>    service volunteers that they *must* examine contents before
>    delivering them, and are likewise liable for their contents.
>    Sometimes it's better to know less.)
> We disagree on the four above points somewhat, but I'll argue that it's
> really little to no extra cost (it may even be less) to switch the
> Secure Data Hubs approach to the way I'm describing (being *a* place to
> store Datashards as opposed to being content which can only live at that
> node and can't be conveniently referenced outside of it), and the gains
> are very great.
> But, RWoT is a nice place for us to work on resolving these differences,
> which I am convinced are really not so large, but the benefits of
> resolving them are very high.  I look forward to working through them at
> RWoT. :)
>  - Chris
> Christopher Lemmer Webber writes:
> > Since I intend to bring up both in a significant way at Rebooting Web of
> > Trust, it may be useful to hear that we put out two episodes on the
> > podcast I co-host: one about Datashards:
> >
> >
> >
> > and one about OcapPub:
> >
> >
> >
> > More about Datashards:
> >
> >
> > More about OcapPub:
> >
> >
> > You may wonder how Datashards and Secure Data Hubs can fit together.
> > For that, I will follow up to this email with a rant. ;)
> --

Adrian Gropper MD

HELP us fight for the right to control personal health data.

Received on Saturday, 17 August 2019 15:18:01 UTC