Re: REMINDER: DID & DID Resolution Spec Webmeeting—Thursday 08 August 2019 13:00-14:30 PT (20:00-21:30 UTC)

Hi folks,

The Data Model section of the spec was added earlier this year to
address structural issues of the spec, but hadn't been filled in yet. I
think having an empty section in the Community Final Draft is probably
not a good look, so I created two PRs to address this. Choose only one! just removes the section
(and references to it) altogether. adds text to each
subsection. I tried to keep it simple and uncontroversial, but I may
have accidentally used language someone disagrees with. To me, having a
section with basic info is better than removing it altogether, but the
idea is that if this addition is going to cause a long discussion we
should defer that to the future and merge 256 instead.

If of course leaving the section present but empty is actually
completely fine with everyone else, forget I said anything.


On 8.8.19. 00:52, =Drummond Reed wrote:
> *IMPORTANT: *This is the final weekly DID spec meeting at which we can
> review and accept PRs on the DID Spec
> <> before we begin the process of
> turning it into a Community Final Draft (which will take ~4 weeks).
> At last week's meeting we reached decisions about either merging or
> deferring all outstanding PRs in the queue at that time. And we agreed
> that any additional changes to the Community Final Draft *need to be
> submitted as PRs before tomorrow's meeting* that begins at 1PM PT /
> 20:00 UTC.
> So please join us for this "final meeting before Final" if you have
> either submitted a PR you want to to see accepted or to provide input
> on other's PRs. Logistics and agenda are below.
> =Drummond, Markus, and Manu
> DID Spec and DID Resolution Spec Weekly Meeting
> This page is for agendas of weekly meetings
> <>of
> members of the W3C Credentials Community Group
> <>who are collaborating to
> complete the Community Final Draft of the DID specification
> <>and the first draft of the DID
> Resolution Specification <>.
> Meeting agendas are listed in reverse chronological order. Meeting
> notes are taken via the W3C CCG IRC channel.
> Recordings and transcripts are available at
>   Webmeeting Information (Computer or Phone)
> Time: Every Thursday, 13:00-14:30 PT (20:00-21:30 UTC)
> IRC channel: 
> Or iPhone one-tap:
>     US: +16465588656,,7077077007#  or +16699006833,,7077077007# 
> Or Telephone:
>     Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current
> location): 
>         US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 669 900 6833 
>         United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3051 2874  or +44 (0) 20 3695 0088 
>     Meeting ID: 707 707 7007
>     International numbers available: 
>   Links
>  *
>     DID Spec <>
>  *
>     DID Resolution Spec <>
>  *
>     DID WG Charter <>
>   Agenda Thursday 08 August 2019
> 1.
>     Welcome and CCG IPR reminder
> 2.
>     Agenda creation/review/prioritization
> 3.
>     Discussion of timing: Final call before Community Final Draft!
> 4.
>     Open issues and PRs:
>     1.
>     2.
> 5.
>     AOB
> 6.
>     Next meeting

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2019 14:01:02 UTC