Re: STRONG -1 to "authorized capabilities", and let's consider renaming costs

On 09/11/2018 11:46, Joe Andrieu wrote:
> In positioning, R&T talk about anchoring the innovation to something
> already understood by the target audience. That by relating the new
> product (or technology in our case) to what people already understand,
> you enable people to remember it within the context of their current
> world view.

This is particularly why I like Verifiable Credentials, and relating
them to plastic cards. Plastic cards are ubiquitous, everyone has many
of them, and use them daily. We want verifiable credentials to become
the electronic equivalent of them.

Plastic cards in general are better than object capabilities, as they
are not restricted to action on target, but rather are half of ABAC,
just like verifiable credentials are. They allow you to access a whole
range of resources and therefore provide more functionality and
flexibility than OCs. Perhaps this is why OCs have never really taken
off. They are too restrictive in many cases.



Received on Monday, 12 November 2018 17:32:24 UTC