- From: Christopher Allen <ChristopherA@lifewithalacrity.com>
- Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2018 00:54:45 +0100
- To: Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CACrqygBYk7VHKZ_d+iDuftgp=PnMpDXxqdwqoFDgedJ46tVYzQ@mail.gmail.com>
Thank you everyone for sharing your slides! Very helpful, though there were many good ideas elsewhere I was unable to puzzle how to fit in. Next time. I did succeed in updating a lot of the terminology for my talk tonight in Zurich to the latest language & integrated at least a few of the better approaches from others that I felt were more effective than my own. Also, many thanks to Joe & Markus who reviewed over the weekend an early draft. New to this talk is I explicitly separate the Ideology from the Architecture, and each could potentially stand alone. I agree with Joe that using the term “movement” rather than ideology is likely better, but I didn’t change it as the title of talk was already advertised (and I think I’d need new images). I received a lot of positive feedback here in Switzerland on the ideology part of the talk, but it still needs work. In particular I felt Kaliya’s social context recursive triad definition of identity leads better into DIDs than Joe’s functional identity definition. I like aspects of both but wasn’t able to integrate them. The Architecture section is weaker. I tried to explain why we focused on DIDs first, but it wasn’t as easy a coherent story to tell. Best I’ve done to date, but feel I lost even some of my tech audience there. The story connection from DID Docs to VCs was particularly weak. Some tell the story VC first/DIDs second, and I can see why, but right now the DID story is more important. We know decentralized is important but we are not yet effective is saying why yet. A lot of stuff is missing in section on future work: not sure how to present things like pair-wise DIDs & selective disclosure when only one party plans to implement it. I work hard in my talks to be as impartial/agnostic to blockchains and avoid single vendor specific solutions as I can. My final slides from last night are at: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15M0tdSS1dRMVdJdVgBlFap8JwiuFdvocZ0AAu7c1eBk I welcome comments, improvements, re-usage, etc. — Christopher Allen
Received on Monday, 5 November 2018 23:55:21 UTC