DID Engagement Survey


Lionel and I are assembling a survey of DID projects. Please err on the
side of listing your project for now so we get the most complete draft. We
can trim the list later. Do keep in mind that the list is and will be

The link below is a Google Form. If you don't do Google forms, please email
either Lionel or myself with
- What is the main entity (corporation, organization) behind the engagement?
- Who is the main contact?
- What is the value proposition, how do DIDs play a role?
- What is a sample main use case that this engagement illuminates?
- What is a good URL for people wishing to learn more?
- If there is code: a working demo or a repo, provide links.

If you've already sent us info, we will add it to the list manually unless
you fill out the form.



Lionel and Adrian

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 17:58:36 UTC