- From: <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Tue, 01 May 2018 14:04:10 -0400
- To: Credentials CG <public-credentials@w3.org>
Thanks to Ryan Grant for scribing this week! The minutes for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2018-05-01/ Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below). ---------------------------------------------------------------- Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2018-05-01 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2018Apr/0094.html Topics: 1. Reintroductions 2. Action Items 3. DID Working Group Transition Action Items: 1. JoeAndrieu to pick target date for outreach hackathon. 2. ChristianLundkvist and DanBuchner specify use of JWK for key descriptions. Organizer: Joe Andrieu and Kim Hamilton Duffy and Christopher Allen Scribe: Ryan Grant Present: Heather Vescent, Joe Andrieu, Greg Linklater, Mike Lodder, Shadan Kam, Manu Sporny, Dave Longley, Ted Thibodeau, Dmitri Zagidulin, Moses Ma, Christopher Allen, David I. Lehn, Andrew Hughes, Nate Otto, Dan Burnett, Benjamin Young, Lucas Parker, Drummond Reed, David Chadwick, Kayode Ezike, Kim Hamilton Duffy, Ryan Grant, Chris Boscolo, Christian Lundkvist, Kaliya Young, Adrian Gropper, Lionel Wolberger Audio: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2018-05-01/audio.ogg Ryan Grant is scribing. Topic: Reintroductions Andrew Hughes: Independent. editing standards, mostly at ISO and ? Tracking SSI. Looking forward to contributing more to the standards process Topic: Action Items Joe Andrieu: 1. Consensus May 14-16 in NYC 2. MYDATA 2018 August 29-31 Helsinki, Finland 3. Summer DID/VC Outreach - target date? Andrew Hughes: Contributing to identity and privacy standards at ISO and ITU-T - looking forward to contributing to VC and DID standards [scribe assist by Andrew Hughes] ACTION: JoeAndrieu to pick target date for outreach hackathon. Dmitri Zagidulin: I'll be at MyData, fwiw Joe Andrieu: Adrian will be on a panel on interoperability Kim Hamilton Duffy: Re Helsinki: likely no progress to report; I haven't seen any discussion about the panel Joe Andrieu: Adrian will also be on an interoperability panel at MyData Joe Andrieu: Registry process. issue #6.2 Manu Sporny: Process is github pull request results in community discussion. Manu Sporny: You want more of a write-up? Joe Andrieu: Yup ... as lightweight as possible Manu Sporny: Will eventually propose more in that issue Joe Andrieu: We need more signposts to this registry, to avoid future complaints Christopher Allen: Will introduce a BTCR registry, due to blockchain magic value. Christopher Allen: There's only 22 spaces available. Proposed filter: have a working version of your blockchain and method before entering our registry. Joe Andrieu: Moving to work items Christopher Allen: Got his point in Kim Hamilton Duffy: There was a question (or action item) abotu a registry thing, and maybe JWT? Manu Sporny: It was maybe JWK Mike Lodder: Must have been someone else asking for that Manu Sporny: It was the uPort folks who had this question. Christian Lundkvist: MSFT also interested in this. and ?? folks Joe Andrieu: The question started confusing. Kim Hamilton Duffy: We have found the action item. possibly assignable to ChristianLundkvist and Daniel? Christian Lundkvist: Can we use current JWK specifications for key descriptions. Manu Sporny: Yes you can, but you have to write a spec for it. Manu Sporny: We don't have the LD-key registry anymore, we have a crypto-suite registry. ACTION: ChristianLundkvist and DanBuchner specify use of JWK for key descriptions. Manu Sporny: Push this through IETF <and two more items on your plate> Manu Sporny: TODO items for uPort: 1. Create a spec that demonstrates how you express a JWK using a LD Cryptosuite. Manu Sporny: TODO items for uPort: 2. Create a spec that demonstrates how you express a Verifiable Credential as a JWT. Manu Sporny: TODO items for uPort: 3. Implementations and test suites for those specs. Joe Andrieu: Call for other work items Lionel Wolberger: Data minimization work moving forward Christopher Allen: Amira status? Joe Andrieu: Some progress. halfway with final edits. something coming net week. Dmitri Zagidulin: *Mike-lodder: the spec can mention recommended algorithms, re jwk.* Joe Andrieu: After buyoff from authors, we'll gather consensus here. Joe Andrieu: We have a DID spec! Mike Lodder: Dmitriz, yes and they must be carefully chosen to not introduce vulnerabilities, I personally would choose Fernet instead Topic: DID Working Group Transition Joe Andrieu: Next milestone: getting the work transitioned to a stanards working group, whether W3C or somewhere else. there are 8 items. Joe Andrieu: Manu how do you see the schedule going? Manu Sporny: Needs to be done in 90 days. Manu Sporny: It's a rough accelerated schedule Manu Sporny: We'll need lots of volunteers to move this stuff forward in parallel. Joe Andrieu: 90 Days = ~Aug 1 Manu Sporny: The reason is that manu things have lead-time to prepare for conferences liek TPAC Joe Andrieu: Let's go through and do a brief introduction and call for volunteers 8. DID Working Group Transition (35 min) 1. DID Charter 2. Use Cases 3. Demonstration of Support 4. Technical Architecture Review 5. Privacy Review 6. DID Primer 7. DID Test Suite 8. Deployments Benjamin Young: Here's an example in-progress Charter for the forthcoming JSON-LD WG https://json-ld.github.io/charter/ Manu Sporny: If you want to learn how we do things, feel free to jump into the charter process. Manu Sporny: Questions? Joe Andrieu: Names so far? Manu Sporny: Um, mine. Dan Burnett: Today's a bad day for me to try to commit, but in a couple weeks i may be more available Manu Sporny: We're going to try to cut use cases down to four Joe Andrieu: I'll put my name on that Heather Vescent: A while back we talked about "CCG Stories" how does that relate to DID use cases? Manu Sporny: Not much at all Christian Lundkvist: I need to drop off to another call, cheers! Manu Sporny: Use cases tend to be things that we've achieved. Benjamin Young: Here's an example of from the (now completed) Digital Publishing Interest Groups Use Cases document https://www.w3.org/TR/pwp-ucr/#unique-identifier Heather Vescent: I've seen this process before, and i understand why we have to be clear like that from a technical testing model, but i think there's a limitation on these use cases from a human centric interaction model. how should we resolve those two things? Heather Vescent: I want to work on the stuff that bridges those two things Heather Vescent: Use cases are going to miss a bunch of stuff Heather Vescent: These are great @bigbluehat Benjamin Young: Digital Publishing Interest Groups Use Cases include lots of stories and useage examples that try to distill the stories down to a requirement. Benjamin Young: It has to have its own identification as well as each of its parts Benjamin Young: As well as howevermany stories are needed to become a requirement Manu Sporny: There are two worlds here: the stuff that W3C membership needs to see Manu Sporny: But each submission creates a commitment. the less we write of these, the better off we tend to be. Heather Vescent: Thank you for the explanation, manu. how can we move forward including these concerns and mitigate the risks you're bringing up? Manu Sporny: It's an iterative process. Andrew Hughes: Can we use the CCG to collect the user stories? Andrew Hughes: That way we can keep the use cases for the WG clean and focused Manu Sporny: If something is achievable, we'll try to address it. if it's a liability for the group, then we'll identify that. Manu Sporny: It's a process. Heather Vescent: That's acceptable to me. i just want to see us not forget this point. just stating the obvious. Manu Sporny: Thank you heathervescent, noted. other questions? Manu Sporny: #3 Is demonstration of support. W3C cares about other W3C members wanting this work. Manu Sporny: They care about big organizations, but fundamentally it's W3C membership that does the vote. Manu Sporny: So we'll look for 35-50 organizations informally supporting it. Manu Sporny: This will require the chairs to drum up support "pick up phones and knock on doors" ;) Joe Andrieu: Any names to add here? Kim Hamilton Duffy: Main question here is who the big organizations are (not clear yet). we can talk about it offline. Manu Sporny: Usually you want big keystone corporations. we have some ideas who those might be. Manu Sporny: It's for the chairs, plus me. Manu Sporny: There will be a question as to who's going to chair this group. Manu Sporny: One of the multinationals will want a chair position, probably. Joe Andrieu: That will be a part of the charter? Manu Sporny: Yes. Manu Sporny: #4 And #5 is the "technical architecture group" Manu Sporny: And the "privacy interest group", who is ready to do a review. Manu Sporny: We need to get the spec finalized before we hand it over to them. Manu Sporny: Up to the editors to finish and up to the chairs to request the reviews at the appropriate time. Manu Sporny: #6 Is the primer, which is done thanks to drummond . Joe Andrieu: Can we get a name s to who's going to turn that in to spec-techs (?) Manu Sporny: It would be great if someone other than drummond or manu could take that on. Drummond Reed: Yes, it would be great to see someone else step up to this. Dmitri Zagidulin: *Are there decent tutorials on the re-spec format?* Andrew Hughes: What's the deadline? Manu Sporny: End of summer Andrew Hughes: I'm willing to take that on, noting that i'm busy until mid-May Manu Sporny: Wrapping it up by mid-June seems reasonable. Andrew Hughes: Will reach out for more instructions and guidance Dan Burnett: Again, I will likely also be available in the same time frame Manu Sporny: The test suite isn't absolutely required Manu Sporny: (#7) It would be good for us to have our ducks in a row Manu Sporny: This would be something like various DID Documents feeding through a test suite with green checkmarks Manu Sporny: We may be able to leverage some of the verifiable claims test suite as well. Kim Hamilton Duffy: I'm debating whether I can do this or work on it with someone Lucas Parker: Same. Ryan Grant: I'd love to work with Kim on this [scribe assist by Joe Andrieu] Ryan Grant: I may be able to work on this with Kim and lparker. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Joe Andrieu: ... If Markus is available as well, he's well positioned Kim Hamilton Duffy: He's not but I was thinking that too Lucas Parker: Yep Manu Sporny: We position ourselves best if we can demonstrate that this stuff is being deployed and used out there. the most common response to a charter is "who's using it, and why is this the right time to standardize" Manu Sporny: The goldilocks period is flexibility with active work ongoing. Manu Sporny: If we have three organizations that are deploying in production, we are well positioned Manu Sporny: Deployments help with large organizations jumping in and trying to take control Manu Sporny: As long as we go in as a group, those kinds of bombs don't have a lot of effect. Manu Sporny: If we're not interoperating, then those bombs have more effect, and W3C management freaks out. Manu Sporny: That's why test suites and deployment are so important. Manu Sporny: Evernym, Sovrin, Veres One, maybe uPort, and we dont' know where BTCR is with DID Documents. Joe Andrieu: Call for someone to manage the spreadsheet of interactions Lparker, achughes: are interested Manu Sporny: Timeline review Joe Andrieu: S/lparker,/lionel_wolberger/ Manu Sporny: DID spec is blocking reviews Drummond Reed: I am ready to put time in on the DID spec this week. Drummond Reed: Yes, I am planning time with Manu TODAY. Manu Sporny: Next is charter and use cases Manu Sporny: DID spec by end of may Manu Sporny: Charter and use cases by end of June Manu Sporny: Then kick off reviews Manu Sporny: Correction: charter and primer by end of June Joe Andrieu: Deadline for Charter, Use Cases, and Primer: end of June Joe Andrieu: Manu, any recommendations for end of next week? Manu Sporny: Maybe narrowing down use cases Manu Sporny: And definitely DID spec work, then charter the week after that Joe Andrieu: Is on the hook for leading use case conversation next week Andrew Hughes: @JoeAndrieu should check in with BC Gov to talk use cases - jjordan etc Christopher Allen: We've inherited all the data verification of the ? specs as well Christopher Allen: Any thoughts on when we can do custom verifiable credentials? Christopher Allen: This is gating things to try, since other test beds aren't suitable at the moment. Manu Sporny: Working on it Joe Andrieu: We'll put these names down and follow up in weeks to come. Joe Andrieu: That's a wrap.
Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2018 18:05:08 UTC