- From: Mark Chipman <markchipman@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 07:15:43 -0600
- To: bohdan.andriyiv@validbook.org
- Cc: Credentials CG <public-credentials@w3.org>, moses.ma@futurelabconsulting.com
- Message-ID: <CAKEHajU4e-Gw7dSXkWf7yNC4WYzZ1xwvKVDe2cyZfEg-C9=Frw@mail.gmail.com>
Wow... Bohdan, you have hit the nail on the head with your assessment. Thanks for publishing this. -Mark Chipman On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 10:13 AM Bohdan Andriyiv < bohdan.andriyiv@validbook.org> wrote: > TL;DR: Social Networking Services are a great invention of our time. In > the same time, they cause large psychological and cognitive issues, that > have significant negative impact on individuals and communities. The root > cause of these negative issues is attention based business model, not > centralization. Decentralization in itself is a red herring. Just > decentralizing current services will not fix their issues. To fix these > issues we need to invent a new business model that will allow us to build > and maintain a set of core human-centric cooperation/communication > services, among which Social Networking Service is the most important one > from psychological and cognitive perspective. > > Moses thank you for raising the topic related to the psychological issues > and Self-Sovereign Identity [1]. It's a large topic – a complicated tangle > of intertwined issues, causes and effects. To add more clarity, let me try > to untangle the tangle, and put its constituent parts, into a few lists. > > *Key Terms to be used* > - Personality, Identity, Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) > - Social Networking Services (SNS) > - Attention Based Business Model (ABBM) > - Self-Sovereign Identity Based Business Model (SSIBBM) > > I want to shortly contrast Identity vs Personality. Sometimes these terms > are used interchangeably and this leads to a confusion. > Identity – is representation of entity (human, thing, virtual entity) in > virtual/digital world. It can be understood as an actor of entity in > virtual/digital world, or as a set of attributes that allow to identify the > entity in the physical world. > Personality is how we know someone as a human. A set of psychological > traits, interests, ways to behave and communicate that characterize person > from human point of view. > From human perspective, personality defines/is identity, but it is not the > same thing from technical perspective. > > > *Background Environment* > - Emergence of Social Networking Services (SNS) – unseen from human > evolutionary perspective, persistent one-to-many communication tool – > "everyone has a stage with audience now". > - Attention Based Business Model (ABBM) – business model based on > capturing attention of users and selling part of it to advertisers. ABBM is > used to develop and maintain all mainstream SNS. > - Human need and tendency to minimize mental load. > - Human need for connection/communication, belonging to a group. > - Human need/propensity for social competition (for attention, prestige, > status; “to be liked”, “to be not worse than”). > > *Issues and their causal pathways* > Before you go through the issues, take a moment and think about 2 quotes > from the former Facebook VP for growth, – “_I feel tremendous guilt_ … The > short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how > society works.”[2]; “My kids get no screen time whatsoever...” [3] > > /Psychological issues/ > - Less happiness: ABBM >> enticing high engagement >> more notifications, > more interesting “variably-delightful” feeds >> more short term pleasure >> > dopamine resistance>> less long term happiness [6] > - Increased envy: ABBM + social competition >> enticing high engagement > >> uncompartmentalized “all or nothing” profiles + more competition >> no > opportunity for asymmetric social competition, no opportunity to switch > focus >> “best moments only” profiles >> more envy >> more “best moments > only” posts >> envy spiral > - Increased anxiety: ABBM + social competition >> … >> envy spiral >> > feeling of inadequacy >> more anxiety > - Increased loneliness: ABBM >> enticing high engagement >> less > face-to-face interaction >> more loneliness; || ABBM + social competition > >> ...(see envy path)… >> “best moments only” profiles >> feeling of > missing out >> increased perceived social isolation > - Increased depression: ABBM + social competition >> … >> envy spiral + > anxiety + loneliness + dopamine resistance >> more depression > > /Other psychological issues/ > - Narrow and shallow view on personality: ABBM + social competition >> > high engagement >> uncompartmentalized “all or nothing” profiles >> more > focus on conspicuous consumption, “shallow” things > - Unnatural distribution of communication time (a few post, most > passively consume): ABBM >> enticing high engagement >> uncompartmentalized > “all or nothing” profiles without easy to use layered privacy + enticing > sharing mode “share-to-all or do-not-share-at-all” >> only a few people > feel comfortable to share, most just consume > > /Cognitive issues/ > - Decreased attention span = ABBM >> enticing high engagement >> more > notifications + more interesting “variably-delightful” feeds >> dopamine > resistance >> less ability to concentrate [6, 7] > - Decreased motivation to do “boring stuff” = ABBM >> enticing high > engagement >> more notifications + more interesting “variably-delightful” > feeds >> dopamine resistance >> less motivation > > /Privacy issues/ > - Leakage of private, personal personality information: ABBM + social > competition>> enticing high engagement >> no easy to use gradiated privacy > layers tools>> enticing sharing mode “share-to-all or do-not-share-at-all” > + need to minimize mental load + need for connection/communication >> > oversharing >> unintended leakage of personal/private information > - Psychometric, manipulative advertisement: ABBM >> … >> unintended > leakage of personal/private information >> manipulative advertisement > > /Community and democracy related issues/ > - Echo chambers: ABBM >> enticing high engagement >> “do not upset users” > >> show only stuff they agree with >> echo chambers >> bad democracy > - Fake news: ABBM >> enticing high engagement >> no incentives to create > tools to fight bots and trolls >> proliferation of bots and trolls + echo > chambers + more engagement from sensational news + need to minimize mental > load >> more fake news > - Psychometric, manipulative advertisement in politics: ABBM >> … >> > unintended leakage of personal/private information >> manipulative > advertisement > > Of course, different people are affected by SNSs differently, depending on > conditions and personality traits. More about issues created by ABBM fueled > SNSs you can read here: [4], [5], [6], [7]. > > > *What we can do* > - Recognize the issues > - Recognize the root cause of the issues – ABBM (Attention Based Business > Model) > - Understand to what extent issues are driven by ABBM vs. human nature in > the environment of SNS > - Define goals > - Create new business model to support human-centric SNS > - Create and maintain human-centric SNS > > > *Potential Goals* > We need to provide alternative, that really works. It should be similar to > current SNSs, but have human-centric functionality. Important to > distinguish between real root cause and secondary issues. For example, > centralization issue is a red herring. Wikipedia works wonderfully, > although it is not decentralized. > > /Target psychological issues/ > - Less happiness (increase in anxiety, loneliness, depression): bad or > good thing? > Probably we went too far into short term pleasure side (notifications > and “variably-delightful” feeds) and got too much side effects (dopamine > resistance + increased envy). A lot of people cannot use SNS and go cold > turkey - “Facebook is a new smoking” now. > Can be fixed on dopamine-resistance side: less interesting > “variably-delightful” feeds + less notifications + more informative feeds > >> less engagement on SNS, less pleasure short term, but still remain > informed >> more happiness long term || Also entice users to connect in > real world instead of enticing engagement on SNS >> more happiness > - Increased envy, envy spirals: bad or good thing? > Not obvious, often a good thing – Instagram fitness effect, lifestyle > changes. in other words: “It’s not greed that drives the world, but envy.”, > - Warren Buffett. Benign envy >> more competition >> mostly good thing for > society at large, often good thing for individual. Worse when focus of > competition is not beneficial for society – too much focus on conspicuous > consumption. > Partially fix: opportunity for asymmetric social competition, > opportunity to switch focus from conspicuous consumption to other things > via compartmentalized social profile > - Narrow and shallow view on personality: bad or good thing? > Probably a bad thing for society at large. > Can be fixed: compartmentalized social profile >> comprehensive but > compartmentalized, privacy layered view on personality > > /Target cognitive issues/ > - Decreased attention span: bad or good thing? > Can be fixed: less interesting “variably-delightful” feeds + less > notifications >> less dopamine depletion >> more attention > - Decreased creativity, motivation to do “boring stuff”: bad or good > thing? > Can be fixed: less interesting “variably-delightful” feeds + less > notifications >> less dopamine depletion >> more attention > > /Target privacy issues/ > - Leakage of private, personal personality information: bad or good thing? > - Mostly bad thing. Can be fixed by compartmentalized profiles. > > /Target community and democracy related issues/ > - Echo chambers: bad or good thing? > Bad thing. > Fix: stop enticing high engagement >> allow to “upset users” || Another > way to do this is by using Validbook UX feature – “Channels” – when you see > what others see, sharing feeds with other users. > - Fake news: bad or good thing? > Bad thing. > Fix: remove incentives for high engagement + incentivize to create hard > to forge real human profiles (see Validbook SURLHIs) + tools to report > trolls >> less bots, less trolls >> less fake news > - Psychometric, manipulative advertisement in politics: bad or good thing? > Bad thing. > Fix: No advertisement on human-centric services + less public leakage > of personality information due to compartmentalized layered profiles >> > less opportunity for psychometric, manipulative advertisement > > > *Tools* > /UX tools/ > Quite simple UX changes can make SNS less engaging, but more humane. > - Compartmentalized profiles: comprehensive view on personality >> > opportunity for asymmetric social competition, opportunity to switch focus > >> less envy, less unhappiness (implemented on VB Social by using UX > feature - Books). > - Compartmentalized and layered privacy: easy to use gradiated privacy > layers tools >> more connection/communication >> less leakage of > personality information (implemented on VB Social by using UX feature - > Books) > - Inverted following model (compartmentalized, layered identity > following, controlled by the followed identity): followed identity can open > different compartments of itself to followers, usually done mutually > mimicking the real life human relations (implemented on VB Social by using > UX feature - Books). > - Informative and privacy layered feeds of information – ability to have > a lot of feeds, tailored per different needs >> less engagement, more > information, more connection (implemented on VB Social by using UX feature > - Channels) > - Point of view from other identity – ability to share your feeds, look > into other people’s feeds (implemented on VB Social by using UX feature - > Channels) > - Calm mode: ability to receive all notifications at one time in a day >> > less notifications >> less engagement, but still informed >> more > happiness, motivation, focus > > /AI tools/ > Mental load minimization is very important – "convenience trumps > everything". Some issues can not be fixed by UX changes only, because they > require too much of humans’ limited mental capacity. Algorithms/AI can help > to minimize mental load, by automating sorting, filtering of feeds and > making smart notifications. > - All UX tools should and can be greatly enhanced with AI/algorithms. > > > *Relation between Self-Sovereign Identity and Social Networking Tools* > To the large extent the root cause of all issues with SNS is ABBM. Thus to > fix the issues we need to fix their root cause – create a new business > model. Self-Sovereign Identity allows us to create such new business model > – Self-Sovereign Identity Based Business Model (SSIBBM). > > SSIBBM in a nutshell: create money based on Self-Sovereign Identity, take > part of that money to develop human-centric cooperation services. > > SSIBBM logic: > - Create service that will allow people to create SSIs > - Create service that allows SSI to prove that it uniquely represents a > human individual > - Create Kudos (tokens with daily supply 1 token per 1 living human (7.5B > KDS/day in 2018; 11.3B KDS/day in 2118) > - Distribute *all Kudos, between SSIs that proved to uniquely represent > human individual only* - thus create huge continuous incentive for people > to participate in Kudos distribution and support Kudos value. In this way > *solving common killer of "big ideas": the chicken-egg problem*. > - Use part of the Kudos to support development and maintenance of the set > of core global human-centric cooperation services, for example > human-centric Social Networking Service. > > > *Validbook* – a real world attempt to fix SNSs issues, as well as to add > security and privacy to other core cooperation services: emails (end-to-end > encrypted emails), money transfer (self-sovereign wallet), documents > signing (human friendly digital documents signing = self-sovereign > ownership). > Validbook Kudos – is an attempt to implement a Self-Sovereign Identity > Based Business Model. > Validbook Social – is an attempt to implement a human-centric Social > Networking Service. > More details about Validbook idea at: > https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2018May/0024.html > > Looking forward to hear what you think about described issues and fixes in > theory and about proposed practical solution - Validbook implementation. > If you are interested to get involved into the development of the next > generation Social Networking Service and other Cooperation Services (in any > role - investor, developer, thinker) let me know and we can make Validbook > a reality! > > --Bohdan > > [1] - > https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2018Jun/0116.html > [2] - > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMotykw0SIk&feature=youtu.be&t=21m21s > [3] - > https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/12/chamath-palihapitiya-my-kids-get-no-screen-time-whatsoever.html > [4] - > http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20180104-is-social-media-bad-for-you-the-evidence-and-the-unknowns > [5] - > https://mondaynote.com/facebook-has-a-big-tobacco-problem-f801085109a > [6] - http://www.robertlustig.com/hacking/ > [7] - https://www.nirandfar.com/hooked > > -- > Bohdan Andriyiv, > Validbook Foundation (to be incorporated), > Chief Maintainer > -- - Mark
Received on Thursday, 21 June 2018 13:16:22 UTC