DID Use Case - Musicians & influencers, Guatemala Crypto ATMs...

Personally asserted E-profiles, Citizen built Research Commons

Hey all!

Here are some of the use cases I'm working through,
perhaps I can combine one or two of them with others.

The first one, for musicians is near and dear to me since my previous life
was that of a full time touring artist. Keeping up with my metrics, living
at the mercy of platforms that come and go has been insanely frustrating.

The Guatemala case is already in action and could use some help. We
currently have 3 ATMs distributed to villages around Antigua, but a better
identity/wallet solution is needed.

The last two are tips of the iceberg for why I'm here. I'm not interested
in attacking FAGMA's success, but in finding an argument for treating users
as customers not users through taking steps to eliminate the parasitic
third party data brokerage and predictive modeling that, at this point, is
a massive liability. Shifting who the customers really are isn't a pipe
dream, it's an absolute must.

*Samantha Mathews**-------------------------------------------------------*
*Co-Founder & CEO, Venn.Agency*
*The best way to predict the future is to build it.*
*Phone:* 323-740-9425  Linkedin

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 15:39:22 UTC