I'm now the official CCG cheerleader

Hi everyone,

One more thing to share about the virtual summit about decentralized ID 
that is happening next week:


The conference producer GSMI reported to me that sign-ups seem to be 
"going exponential". If we can add a little "accelerant" right now... 
driving a positive feedback loop, we might be able to create a tipping 
point, enabling us to position decentralized identity as the /Next Big 
Thing/. If any of you know any analysts, like at Gartner or Coindesk or 
CBinsights, please ask them to share to their feeds. Introduce them to 
me and we'll give them VIP priority in terms of asking questions at the 

Again, the CCG will get the mailing list, which the chairs of the group 
will steward. This can help to start an outreach platform that will 
serve as a digital commons for all of us who believe in the DID vision. 
This is one of those opportunities when members of a group and make very 
small individual contributions, that synergistically add to a non-linear 

*We need now is to put some gas on the fire, and so I ask you to hit 
your feeds once again TODAY.*

However, instead of just tweeting the URL, I thought we could show Manu 
and Drummond some love, by sending out the attached images on your 
feeds. These guys have worked /sooooo/ hard and /sooooo/ tirelessly, 
that we really should give something back.

Just make sure you link the image to: 

Finally, here's a /"what's in this for me?" /offer — we're assembling a 
repository of white papers and materials to give to attendees, and you 
can submit your white paper to a curated collection of reading 
materials. You are welcome to contribute your white paper or URL here: 

Thanks everyone! If you have any questions or would like to speak at the 
next event, contact me! This is my pro bono contribution and I'm here to 
help this community!

Be the shift,


PS, if you don't see the images, you can download them at: 

Thank you!

*Moses Ma | Partner*

moses.ma@futurelabconsulting.com | moses.ma@sparkchaincapital.com | 

v+1.415.568.1068 | skype mosesma

FutureLab provides strategy, ideation and technology for breakthrough 

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Or whet your appetite by reading /Agile Innovation/ 
and /Blockchain Design Sprint/ 

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2018 01:40:39 UTC