

Unfortunately I have a conflict today and won't be able to join this
week's CG Call (and the agenda looks pretty full already anyway).

But I wanted to quickly report that I was selected for this BCGov
opportunity to design and implement a DID authentication (DID-Auth) and
authorization mechanism across 4 concrete scenarios:

I would love this group's input on how to approach this in a way that is
re-usable and complementary with other community efforts.
I am aware there is already a lot of existing work from RWoT and other
sources on DID/TLS, HTTP Signatures, Credentials Browser API, etc. that
can be used.

Perhaps it would be possible to add this topic to next week's CG Call
(In the meantime, I'd be thankful for any guidance or pointers on this


all the best,
Markus Sabadello
Danube Tech ~ danubetech.com
Sovrin Foundation * sovrin.org
+43 664 3154848

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 13:21:22 UTC