Re: Integration with traditional PKI schemes

On 1 August 2018 at 09:57, Carlos Bruguera <> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I have a question with regard to "traditional" PKI such as
> x.509 certificates. Much is said about DID/credentials as a substitute or
> alternative to such hierarchical and centralized approachs, however, I
> think it's more realistic envisioning the two "worlds" somehow integrating,
> meaning that the DID ecosystem should provide means to incorporate such
> centralized or federated technologies into it. That would definitely make
> its adoption a matter of practical and low-friction transition, instead of
> total "disruption".
> Is there any literature, ongoing work or specific aspect of the present
> DID/credential development that allows an entity to utilize x.509
> certificates as verificable credentials within the decentralized ecosystem?

I've been using this for about 10 years

Not for everyone, but I absolutely love it. :)

> Regards,
> Carlos

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2018 09:26:05 UTC