Re: Question: WebAuthn announcement -- relation to DIDs?

I'm jumping in here mid-stream, so I apologize if my questions/comments
have been discussed.

In your presentation "WebAuthn & DID.pptx", I see two things that concern

1) In the "DID Registration Flow" (slide 3), it looks like the "issuer" is
writing the user DID to the ledger.
Would this not create an undesirable public correlation between the user
DID and the issuer?

2) In all of the DID-based flows, it does not appear that the
"service/issuer" ever uses a unique DID when communicating with a user.
In most discussion of DID based SSI that I have seen, there are always
unique DIDs for each side of the communication.  How would this work in the
context of WebAuthn?

2a) Is a per-user unique DID on the service side even feasible?


On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 11:17 PM, Adam Powers <> wrote:

> Great point, here are the links from my presentation (there were a couple
> other presentations as well):
> usp=sharing
> I think the only real problem we encountered was that (by design) WebAuthn
> uses "origin" to bind authentication to a specific service. It's a solvable
> problem, it will just take some conversation to figure out the pros and
> cons of some of the solutions that were mentioned. At the very least, it's
> implementable / demo-able now but the same DID can't be used across
> multiple sites until the origin issue gets solved.
> On April 12, 2018 at 10:19:06 AM, Andrew Hughes (
> wrote:
> At the Internet Identity Workshop (IIW) last week in Mountain View, there
> were some sessions discussing exactly this topic - how should WebAuthn and
> Verifiable Credentials and Credentials Community Group work together -
> leaders from each of the efforts were in attendance.
> andrew.
> *Andrew Hughes *CISM CISSP
> *In Turn Information Management Consulting*
> o  +1 650.209.7542
> m +1 250.888.9474
> 1249 Palmer Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2H8
> *Identity Management | IT Governance | Information Security *
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 10:08 AM, Adam Powers <>
> wrote:
>> The quickest summary: WebAuthn is a way of generating public key pairs,
>> storing a public key on a server and the private key in an "authenticator",
>> and later using that key pair for authentication to a service.
>> Insofar as DID is storing a public key in a DID document, that public key
>> can be generated by WebAuthn and stored by DID. The most obvious overlap
>> between DID and WebAuthn would be using WebAuthn as the mechanism for
>> DIDAuth -- although there is still some work that needs to happen there to
>> define and align the specs. In my perspective, they should be complimentary
>> and not competitive.
>> I hope that helps.
>> Adam Powers,
>> Technical Director, FIDO Alliance
>> On April 12, 2018 at 9:24:03 AM, Steven Rowat (
>> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> The Guardian yesterday had a story of what appears to be a major
>> announcement about how WebAuthn will replace passwords:
>> -webauthn-new-web-standard-designed-replace-login-method
>> This included a quote showing that this is a W3C project:
>> “WebAuthn will change the way that people access the Web,” said Jeff
>> Jaffe, chief executive of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the
>> body that controls web standards."
>> And after looking at the recent API spec itself, I see that it's a
>> FIDO project, and so supported by Google, Microsoft, Paypal, and also
>> Mozilla:
>> My Question:
>> Is there any expected or known relationship between WebAuthn and the
>> use of DIDs? ie., Can WebAuthn be used with DIDs? Will the uptake of
>> WebAuthn preclude or inhibit the use of DIDs?
>> ie., Are DID Docs and WebAuthn in competition, or are they complementary?
>> Steven

Received on Friday, 13 April 2018 16:23:49 UTC