Re: DID Migration

On 10/26/2017 12:47 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 26 October 2017 at 18:41, Adam Lake < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Greetings Credentials CG,
>     Something that has crossed my mind on occasion and that I inquired
>     about at the Spring 2017 RWOT is the ability to migrate a DID from
>     one ledger to another. This is of interest because currently, as I
>     understand it, the longevity of a DID is limited to the lifespan
>     of the ledger on which it's written. This being a new frontier and
>     therefore somewhat experimental it seems to me that DID migration
>     would add stability to the ecosystem, if it's technically
>     possible. This capability could also be accountability/competitive
>     mechanism for ledger networks. Ultimately we don't want people to
>     be walled in, right?
>     Is there some way to migrate a DID from one ledger to another in a
>     way that preserves the reputation (set of claims) an individual
>     has built up around a DID? IIRC I was told that DID migration is
>     possible and "sort of" a solved problem.
>     Am I missing something in my basic assertion that DID migration is
>     desirable and would be beneficial to the ecosystem? What are the
>     proposed solutions at this time? Is this something the CG is
>     interested in?
> My understanding of most ledgers is that they are immutable.  So live 
> forever.
> Would it be possible to go over briefly how DID's (and DDO's?) are 
> grounded in a block chain?
My understanding is that ledgers are immutable but without a network of 
nodes supporting the ledger you can't append them so a user would not be 
able to continue to build up a reputation around a DID on a ledger than 
is no longer active. Maybe the user just creates a new DID on a 
different ledger and can present claims associated with the old and new 
DID and my concern is unfounded--which would be great. :)
>     Thanks All! :)
>     Adam Lake

Adam Lake
Director, Business Development
Digital Bazaar

Received on Thursday, 26 October 2017 17:30:54 UTC