Re: DID PR #22 has been merged

On 2017-11-05 11:08 AM, Kim Hamilton Duffy wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> Just making sure I understand -- you want to see the title (e.g. 
> "Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.7") copied at the top of the body 
> text?


TL;dr: I think the page would do well to have a title anyway, and 
people not accustomed to snooping in source code, who read the page in 
a browser, will see the title displayed and its version number and be 
able to search for it.

Longer version, in case you think I'm insane:

I was attempting to figure out if I'd indeed fond the page with the 
PR#22 changes or not, and the simplest way to do that was to use 
search in the rendered page in Firefox for "0.7", which must have been 
added in the changes -- I thought. But I got "not found". So I became 
confused -- maybe this was an old page, not the new one.

Then, looking more carefully at Manu's commit, I realized it was done 
in the html head. So it wouldn't appear on the browser page, which 
only shows the body. So I went back and searched the source code, and 
found it. So probably it is the right page.

But that required quite a bit of knowing about both GitHub and HTML code.

I'm hoping that this overall document on DIDs [v0.7, and later ones] 
can be easily found and read by people who only read text at the 
browser level, not necessarily at the source code level. I think that 
would be good for the ongoing process of keeping as many people in the 
loop as possible. And it doesn't seem to big a change to ask for -- 
just the title and version number to be included.


> .
> Thanks,
> Kim
> On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 10:58 AM Steven Rowat 
> < <>> wrote:
>     On 2017-11-05 9:22 AM, Kim Hamilton Duffy wrote:
>      > In case you aren't signed up for github alerts, note that
>     Manu's DID
>      > PR #22 has been merged!
>      >
>      >
>      > Thanks to everyone for letting us get this resolved so we can push
>      > forward with the next iterations.
>     Am I correct that the merged DID document, post PR-22, is  found at:
>  ?
>     If so, I'd like to request that a title be put rendered onto this
>     page, i.e. into the index.html <body>, that carries the version
>     number, and not just in the page <head>.
>     This will be helpful for persons not fluent in GitHub (like myself)
>     being able to read the ongoing main branch description and make sure
>     they're reading the right one.
>     ie., add a copy of the page source title line content:
>     <title>Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.7</title>
>     into the <body> with a <p> tag, so at the top of the rendered page
>     will appear:
>     "Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.7
>     "Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier
>     intended for verifiable digital identity that is "self-sovereign",
>     i.e., fully
>     under the control of an entity and not dependent on a
>     centralized registry, identity provider, or certificate authority....
>     etc.
>     Steven
>      >
>      > Best,
>      > Kim
>      > --
>      > Kim Hamilton Duffy
>      > CTO & Principal Architect Learning Machine
>      > Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
>      > 400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139
>      >
>      > <>
>     < <>> |
>      > <> <
>     <>>
>      > 425-652-0150 <tel:(425)%20652-0150> |
>      >
> -- 
> Kim Hamilton Duffy
> CTO & Principal Architect Learning Machine
> Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
> 400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139
> <> | 
> <>
> 425-652-0150 |

Received on Sunday, 5 November 2017 23:26:56 UTC