Re: Work Items for Credentials Community Group 2017-2018

On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Manu Sporny <>

> The Credentials Community Group is currently trying to identify and
> prioritize the 2017-2018 scope of work. The following document contains
> the list of items thus far:
> SLrBmtBqyDf06I/edit?usp=sharing

Thank you for the contribution and comments so far!

The document has gotten long enough that I have re-organized it into

Also, not all of these work items need to be “documents” — if there is an
open issue in Verifiable Claims that you are concerned about, that can
potentially be a work item.

Please add items that you would like to volunteer to work on to the
> list. Place your name in the "Champions" list for that item.

I have also made a new line item to separate Champions (aka “I’m willing to
commit resources to seeing this work completed.”) from Supporters (aka “I’m
willing to help.”) Both are important, but I want to be clear the Champions
means a commitment is involved.

Thank you!

— Christopher Allen

Received on Friday, 19 May 2017 17:57:33 UTC