[AGENDA] W3C Credentials Community Call - 16 May 2017 12pm ET

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017
Time: 12pm Boston, 9am Pacific, 16:00 GMT
Text Chat: http://tinyurl.com/w3c-vctf
Voice: sip:vctf@
       tel:+1-540-961-4469;ext=6306 (extension 6306)
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribes: KerriL, CarlaC, StuartS, ChristopherA, ShaneM, Manu, DavidE,
LesC, RichardV, NathanG, MatthewL, NateO, DanB, JonnyCrunch, Longley,
AdamM, AdamL, JoeA, BrianS, GreggK, MattS

This is the first call for the W3C Credentials Community after the official
formation of the W3C Verifiable Claims WG. The WG will be meeting at the
old time, but a new voice dial-in and IRC channel. The Credential Community
will be meeting at a new time (12pm Boston, 9am Pacific, 16:00 GMT)
immediately after the WG meeting at the old voice dial-in, IRC, and mailing

Proposed Agenda:

1. Introduce new chairs (5 minutes)
2. New member introductions
3. Review of Credentials CG Mission Statement https://www.w3.org/
community/credentials/ (5 minutes)
4. Review of Digital Verification CG Mission Statement https://www.w3.org/c
ommunity/digital-verification/ (3 minutes)
5. Within the next couple of weeks, decide on community group’s priorities
and agenda (30 minutes)
    - Merge CGs? Revise CG Mission Statements? or Renaming CGs?
    - What timeframe? 1 month, 3 month?
    - By end of timeframe, identify concrete deliverables (reports, specs,
working prototypes)
    - Questions: Identify owners?
6. Request feedback from community? (20 minutes)
    - Next report or spec to focus on?

— Christopher Allen & Kim Hamilton, co-chairs

Received on Monday, 15 May 2017 22:31:04 UTC