As part of our year-end review & planning process, your co-chairs would
like your input. We've done a lot in 2017 that we should all be proud
of. In 2018 we'd like to do even better. Perhaps through working more
efficiently or focusing on more important work. Whatever the opportunity
for improvement, whatever your ideas for making the Credentials
Community Group more effective and more relevant, we want to hear.
Next week we'll have time set aside for discussing how we can improve.
In the meantime, please take a moment and consider the following.
1. What did we do well?
2. What could be improved?
3. What new approaches or techniques might we try?
If you're inspired, send an email to this list. Or, if you prefer, share
it with us on Tuesday. Either way, we look forward to hearing from you.
Joe Andrieu, PMP
Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group