Re: Schemas or Models of Credentials and Issuers

Hi Adam

I envisage that an ontology will be needed, and that the CCG could
define a generic global ontology (cf X.500/LDAP) whilst communities of
users will define their own application specific ones to supplement the
global one



On 29/08/2017 09:28, Adam Sobieski wrote:
> Credentials Community Group,
> In a decentralized identity model, various issuers can provide
> identifying credentials (nations, states, cities, universities, banks,
> companies, etc.).
> While querying digital wallets is still a pioneer topic and a work in
> progress, we can envision that a verifiable profile is composed by a
> user, utilizing a set of credentials, in response to a query or request.
> We can envision that a set of attributes may be requested, each
> attribute may be optional or required for a request, and, for each
> attribute, data and metadata about pertinent credentials and issuers may
> be specified or described, defining acceptable credentials per attribute.
> Topical is describing credentials’ and issuers’ data and metadata so
> that a verifier can ensure that a verifiable profile is composed from a
> set of acceptable credentials. I would like to ask about schemas or
> models of credentials and issuers.
> Best regards,
> Adam Sobieski

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 09:15:30 UTC