Re: Derived Attributes

Thanks, I’ll look into those topics.

In the US, it’s looking like non-anonymous for legislator feedback is common (e.g.

At some point, we might be devising schema for credentials. With electoral districts, examples could show how cities, electoral districts or states could be provided as a commenter may be provided the option to remain anonymous. What does the group think about, at some point, a feedback form example, for elected officials’ websites? The Credential Handler API and related API’s may augment or replace portions of HTML forms.

Best regards,

From: Lionel W.<>
Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎August‎ ‎23‎, ‎2017 ‎9‎:‎03‎ ‎AM
To: David Chadwick<>
Cc: Adam Sobieski<>,<>

Good stuff!

Any derived attribute that can be expressed as a mathematical formula (e.g. over 21) could be exposed privately.
I think the "selective disclosure" body of work deals well with such derived attributes.

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 3:46 PM, David Chadwick <<>> wrote:

On 23/08/2017 13:19, Adam Sobieski wrote:
> David,
> Thanks. I saw an attribute predicate in an animation (I thought is was a
> derived attribute); I'm reading about attributes and predicates.
> For the example, it might make sense for an issuer to issue electoral
> districts onto a credential, if we desire the capability for anonymous
> feedback to elected officials and if the elected officials desire to
> know that a feedback-provider is from an electoral district.

Yes indeed. This would be a suitable credential for (in the UK case) a
local authority to issue to a resident



> Best regards,
> Adam
> *From:* David Chadwick <<>>
> *Sent:* ‎Wednesday‎, ‎August‎ ‎23‎, ‎2017 ‎5‎:‎43‎ ‎AM
> *To:*<> <<>>
> Hi Adam
> since credentials are signed by issuers, then I do not believe a
> repository can implement a derived attribute, as a repository is not
> usually a trusted issuer. I suggest the issuer will issue this if
> requested to by the subject.
> regards
> David
> On 22/08/2017 21:51, Adam Sobieski wrote:
>> Credentials Community Group,
>> I would like to ask about /derived attributes/ (e.g. over 21 which is
>> derived from birthdate and the current date), about how they are
>> implemented by credential repositories towards understanding whether
>> more complex derived attributes such as electoral districts might be
>> possible.
>> Electoral districts (
>> are dynamic regions. A digital wallet might inquire to a remote service
>> about how an address or location maps to an electoral district (e.g.
>> Cities, states and electoral districts could be useful for government
>> feedback forms, recording audio messages for or writing letters to
>> Congresspeople via websites.
>> Best regards,
>> Adam Sobieski

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2017 15:59:49 UTC