I think having two streams within the one group makes the most sense, imho.
On Sat., 12 Aug. 2017, 10:05 am Kim Hamilton Duffy, <kim@learningmachine.com>
> Hi folks,
> In the last Credentials CG meeting, we discussed the following proposal:
> We propose to keep the Digital Verification and Credentials Community
> Groups combined since many of our current members are interested in both
> topics, and since breaking apart the groups would require more overhead for
> people interested in both (more meetings, etc). We will consider Digital
> Verification as an informal "task force" within the Credentials Community
> Group.
> We would keep the Digital Verification github organization (
> https://github.com/w3c-dvcg) in its current state, meaning it would be
> separate from the Credentials CG github org. The repos in the DV org are
> very logically cohesive, and this structure will ease issue tracking.
> We'll refer to the DV site (https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/) from the
> Credentials site (https://w3c-ccg.github.io/), as opposed to subsuming
> the content, for similar reasons.
> This approach avoids the need for a formal W3C restructuring, and seems to
> reflect the wishes of the group members.
> Please let us know by Friday August 18, 2017 if you have any objections,
> via these mailing lists, or on next Tuesday's Credentials CG call.
> - Kim Hamilton Duffy & Christopher Allen, co-chairs
> --
> Kim Hamilton Duffy
> Principal Engineer | Learning Machine + MIT Media Lab
> Co-chair W3C Credentials Community Group
> 400 Main Street Building E19-732, Cambridge, MA 02139
> 12001 N. Central Expy, Suite 1025, Dallas, TX 75243
> kim@learningmachine.com | kimhd@mit.edu
> 425-652-0150 | LearningMachine.com