Re: Stopping "Bots" and "Fake News"

Hi Adam

You are correct in saying that VCs can easily enable users to present
their real names to web sites. The practical difficulty I envisage, at
least in the short term, is not in developing easy to use GUIs (I think
these already exist), but rather in getting an authoritative source such
as a government department to issue a VC containing your registered
name. Besides the bureaucracy that is involved in getting the government
to implement the VC technology, it is quite likely that no government
department has a correct list of all its citizens. It is well known that
some citizens have multiple SSNs, have different names in different
systems, and many systems do not have a complete register (e.g. passport
and driving licence systems). So who does the inspector trust?

If a site such as Facebook trusts a non-authoritative source to issue a
VC containing your name, then we are no better off, as fake news
providers will simply register a fake name with the non-authoritative VC

Perhaps banks, who are now using very strong 'know your customer' rules
before they will open a new bank account, due to strong international
money laudering rules, could be the best option as a trusted issuer.



On 11/08/2017 19:33, Adam Sobieski wrote:
> Credentials Community Group,
> I would like to broach the role that credentials technologies may play
> in curtailing “fake accounts”, “bots”, “spam”, “hoaxes” and “fake
> news”.  I hope to indicate to you the importance of credentials systems
> and of securing such systems.
> Consider uses of credentials when creating new accounts or updating
> existing accounts, e.g. social media. Envision a popup or alert, “this
> website wants to know your real name.”  With social media, users are
> expected to presume to authenticity of their fellow users and it makes
> sense for users to choose to allow the services to access their real
> names, and possibly dates of birth.
> “People come to Facebook to make meaningful connections. From the
> beginning, we’ve believed that can only be possible if the interactions
> here are authentic – and if people use the names they're known by. We’ve
> found that when people represent themselves on Facebook the same way
> they do in real life, they act responsibly. Fake accounts don’t follow
> this pattern, and are closely related to the creation and spread of
> spam. That’s why we’re so focused on keeping these inauthentic accounts
> and their activity off our platform”
> ( 
> Furthermore, social “bots” play a major role in spreading “fake news”
> (
> Credentials and verifiable claims systems are of use in quickly
> separating real users from “fake accounts” and “bots”.  Credentials
> should be as easy and intuitive for users to initialize and to configure
> as installing operating systems or configuring digital wallets.
> If we get credentials systems right, and secure, we can stop “fake
> accounts” and “bots” and we can curtail “spam”, “hoaxes” and “fake news”
> – we can defend digital democracy.
> Best regards,
> Adam Sobieski
> P.S.:
> (

Received on Saturday, 12 August 2017 10:13:38 UTC