- From: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2016 02:32:18 +0000
- To: W3C Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>, public-rww <public-rww@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAM1Sok1uUATj_Dm0YnCknhM7+84Lizr8nt_ccKRZCBwkrVbFpw@mail.gmail.com>
Had some thoughts re: RDF+DHT which i wanted to share, in the hope of resourcing something that might be useful for others to consider. My use-case scenarios are more targeted at SoLiD or LDP related decentralised storage architectures; and the means in which credentials may play a role any-such lifecycle; I wondered why DHT isn't further explored at present? Yet the application i was considering most related more to "ontology production, use and distribution", which in-turn is a counterpart of considerations around how to make resources more portable / decoupled from TLDs related issues as they apply not for documents, but rather, identity & related semantics. So, if someone is building their 'wisdom' environment (meaning, it's made by the person for whom such forms of 'wisdom' is defined to serve) then the 'knowledge' software, may need 'updates' and DHT may be a good way to do that, whilst providing means for people to 'edit', and make their own should they choose to. ie: https://schema.org/Physician is currently defined as a place in one case, and a person https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physician in another. The other aspect was that it might be downloadable. So people could carry what' in the DHT cache, and load it somewhere else if / should they choose to. this might be useful for 'employee' / 'agent' personas; as people change jobs and any personal data on workplace systems should probably be archived. I imagine the same kinda situation exists also for legal firms, accounting, etc. So - i researched it a bit more: The NICTA paper[1] looked interesting; and i've attached others below (that i've noted so haven't numbed), as part of a simple google search http://lmgtfy.com/?q=RDF+DHT to explore something that i've found has been very much previously considered in various ways. To describe the application concepts; one of them may be to decentralise the Wiki. So, people download a 'dictionary' that has RDF Definitions in it; and these files are tracked via DHT #'s. Question becomes though; how would you target the specified DHT# in a friendly way... I wrote a really long document but then found the concept of using alternative protocols to HTTP noted by TimBL in the latter parts of https://twitter.com/WebCivics/status/492707794760392704 So given #'s / uuid's are kinda difficult to remember / type - another issue would be how to make it easier for them to be referenced. Tim. [1] http://www.nicta.com.au/pub-download/full/3870/?/pub?doc=3870 http://archive.cone.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/teaching/seminar/p2p-networks-s09/deliverables/Aldarwich_report.pdf http://www.dblab.ntua.gr/~gtsat/collection/RDF%20stores/distributed/p343-battre.pdf http://da.qcri.org/zkaoudi/files/papers/kaoudi-phdthesis.pdf http://www.larkc.org/marvin/
Received on Thursday, 20 October 2016 02:33:10 UTC