Re: Alternative terminology for "consumer"

would be fun to figure out how to include "verifier" since these are
verifible claims, but i think it would be confused w/ the system that's
responding (or responsible for returning a verification), not the requestor
of the verification.

If consumer is too loaded, I like inquisitor - the entity making the in
inquiry as to fitness.

Matt Stone

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 9:57 AM, Dave Longley <>

> On 03/31/2016 11:28 AM, Varn, Richard J wrote:
> > I had one additional thought about the consumer of claims. It
> > strikes me that the role they are actually playing is gatekeeper. I
> > got to this after thinking about the various processes in which
> > claims are used and the reason that someone wants your claim/s is to
> > evaluate it/them in a context. If the evaluation finds the claims
> > and attendant and other sources of evidence sufficient, you get a
> > chance at an opportunity, access to something, a permission, a
> > benefit, and so on. I am not sure gatekeeper is the best word but
> > wanted to share the line of thinking and see how it may help.
> I've had a similar thought, (with terms like "gatekeeper", "guard",
> "sentinel", etc.) but felt it seemed those terms or many like it had too
> many negative or militaristic connotations. That concept is where the
> friendlier "approver" term came from. "Verifier" and "authenticator" are
> in a similar vein.
> --
> Dave Longley
> Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 31 March 2016 16:05:53 UTC