Re: New revision of Verifiable Claims Architecture summary

On 6/13/16 2:38 PM, Dave Longley wrote:
> On 06/13/2016 05:05 PM, Steven Rowat wrote:
>> [snip]
>> 2. The 'detailed' version begs the question now: why have that added
>> 'Repository' step at all? The Registry seems to fulfill the same
>> function. (If not, what does the Repository do that the Registry
>> doesn't?)
> A repository stores claims and is private. A registry stores identifiers
> and is public.

Am I correct that a Holder entity could be their own Repository, for 
their own claims, but that they couldn't be their own registry, which 
is necessarily under a separate (possibly distributed) control?


>> 3. All versions: what happened to a Credential being a wrapper of a
>> set of Claims? Has this been deprecated completely? Or is it merely
>> not being shown for simplicity?
> Merely not shown for simplicity.

Received on Monday, 13 June 2016 23:26:11 UTC