Re: Web Payments IG approves Verifiable Claims to proceed to W3C Management

On 7/4/16 10:31 AM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> 1. A modified charter is negotiated with W3C Management and the
>    dissenting organizations.[snip]>

> 1. Constrain the charter to Education only.

I'm happy to hear this news, but was taken aback by the first 
dissenting issue.

I know Education is a major component of a comprehensive credentials 
system, but this CG was formed, in my recollection, as an attempt to 
give a foundation for Web Payments.

Is it possible that the negotiations will nullify this original intent?

Does the dissenting party have a veto power? (either official or de 


> 2. Demonstrate that the charter is not competitive to JSON Object
>    Signing and Encryption Web Tokens (JOSE JWT).
> 3. Remove or greatly narrow the overarching problem statement
>    about self-sovereign ecosystem and goals from the charter.
> The anticipated next steps for the Verifiable Claims Task Force and
> Credentials Community Group are:
> 1. Determine if we want to constrain the charter to Education only.
> 2. Update the Data Model and Representations specification to clearly
>    demonstrate that this technology is not competitive to JOSE/JWT.
> 3. Determine if we want to modify the problem statement and
>    charter goals.
> 4. Plan our first face-to-face meeting, possibly at W3C TPAC in
>    Lisbon at the end of September.
> W3C Staff are currently drafting changes that they think would result in
> consensus. Once we have those suggestions in hand, and once we've talked
> with the dissenting organizations, we'll be able to have a better idea
> about timeline.
> The next Verifiable Claims telecon will be Tuesday, July 12th at 11am
> ET. Dial in details can be found here:
> -- manu

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2016 01:44:19 UTC