Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-19

Thanks to Matt Stone for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Verifiable Claims telecon are now available:

Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Verifiable Claims Telecon Minutes for 2016-01-19

  1. Update on Past and Upcoming Interviews
  2. Plan (or lack thereof) for Face-to-Face in February
  3. Stalled Work
  Manu Sporny
  Matt Stone
  Matt Stone, Manu Sporny, Shane McCarron, Dave Longley, Heather 
  Schlegel, Arie Y. Levy-Cohen, Erik Anderson, Daniel C. Burnett, 
  Eric Korb, Jason Weaver, Matt Collier, Jim Goodell, John 
  Tibbetts, Rob Trainer, Rebecca Simmons, Brian Sletten, Bill 
  DeLorenzo, Dmitriy Nesterkin

Matt Stone is scribing.

Topic: Update on Past and Upcoming Interviews

VCTF was officially approved in mid-Dec - this is the first 
  official meeting.
Manu Sporny:  Our goal is to establish the need for charter - by 
  interviewing folks like Brad Hill et. al.
Manu Sporny:  We are focusing on individuals who have expertise 
  in security, identity, payments, etc.
Manu Sporny: First interview with Brad Hill:
Shane McCarron: Voip-vctf: 5e9 is ShaneM
Manu Sporny:  His concers: fraud, trust, slow evolution of agent 
  centric protocols.
Dave Longley:  Suggested that there is "room in the W3C" for us 
  to do this work - ie. fairly supportive
Heather Schlegel: Question: What is the criteria for selecting 
  thse experts?
Manu Sporny:  Criteria: generally organic from W3C where someone 
  asks something like "have you spoken to Brad Hill abou that?"
Heather Schlegel: Thanks. Have you considered doing a baseline 
  level of external research? To find other experts that may not 
  already be connected to w3c?
Dave Longley: Criteria for selection is their history and 
  experience in the identity and security space
Dave Longley: And W3C management suggestions.
Heather Schlegel:  Is there desire to expand the circle of 
Manu Sporny:  Yes -that's where we are right now.  this is the 
  second round of discussion w/ people that we need to talk to 
  beyond the 45 companies and interested parties we started with 
  last year
Heather Schlegel: OK. I understand. That makes sense.
Manu Sporny:  We're scoping this round to a narrow set of experts 
  that we can connect w/ in a tight timeframe
Manu Sporny:  Objective for completion is mid-Feb
Arie Y. Levy-Cohen: A friend of Erik Anderson's and mine 
  (Jonathan Mohan) shared this with us and I thought it might be 
  worth looking into for the VCTF in case it was worth pursuing:  (Contact Person 
  is: Anil John)
Heather Schlegel: Is the list of criteria posted some where?
Manu Sporny:  Invite team to nominate others experts if you know 
  one.  The bar if vary high for us to engage based on the 
  community that we already have access to
Shane McCarron: Not that we don't want to hear from people!  If 
  people have use cases they should contribute them.  Manu is 
  talking about people we would conduct in depth interviews with.  
  Right Manu?
Erik Anderson:  Concerned that it's address primarily by the web 
  community and finance is missing.
Manu Sporny:  General criteria: identity, cryptography, payments 
  experience for 10+ years. and we suspect that person will give us 
  a "unique perspective"
Arie Y. Levy-Cohen:  Discussing link above
Arie Y. Levy-Cohen:  The 40+ banks are keen to understand/pursue 
  identity issues
Heather Schlegel: I might have some insight as to why financials 
  are not getting involved (I worked for the innovation division of 
  Swift for some time)
Manu Sporny: Ian Jacobs is W3C Project Lead for Web Payments
Manu Sporny:  Our discussion is concerned with why the financial 
  institutions aren't engaging in the w3c process.
Heather Schlegel: And I follow/research the fintech space very 
  closely as part of my research
Manu Sporny: We'd love the help, Heather!
Heather Schlegel: Banks have their own consortium - Swift that 
  does a similar task, creating standards.
Manu Sporny: Heatherv, SWIFT is part of the Web Payments CG - 
  they're aware of this task force.
Heather Schlegel: How do I signal I want to talk? (new to w3c 
Arie Y. Levy-Cohen:  Suggests that banks feel that work toward 
  standards are based on directives from regulators, rather than 
  driving the outcome
Arie Y. Levy-Cohen:  Also there isn't a clear "owner" internally 
  at the bank to do standards work.
Arie Y. Levy-Cohen:  Each internal discipline/department has an 
Heather Schlegel:  Recommend an outreach program to particpants 
  where they're already engaged with "SWIFT?"
Erik Anderson:  There are so many working groups and standards in 
  flight right now, may are asking how they can could contribute 
  and what happens it the standards fail
Erik Anderson:  Finance is looking for the "right technology" to 
  track assets and now on is providing it right now
Manu Sporny: Participants in the Web Payments IG:
Manu Sporny:  There is a web payments working group. some 
  financial institutions are engaged, but not enough. Verifiable 
  claims work "is not going to wait for them to join"  we have 
  enough education and health care groups involved.
Heather Schlegel: This all makes sense. It is a big beast to try 
  to manage. Thanks.
Manu Sporny:  We may end up with a standard that is targeted to 
  Ed and Health Care, and hopefully banks will be able to use it as 
Manu Sporny:  We're supposed to be proposing a charter that's 
  workable - it's getting narrower, informed by the experts that 
  we're interviewing
Manu Sporny:  Consensus - develop a dataformat that expresses a 
  claim.  worry about protocols for transference later
Erik Anderson: Who on the call mentioned "Digital Asset Grid"?
Heather Schlegel: That was me.

Topic: Plan (or lack thereof) for Face-to-Face in February

Manu Sporny:  In dec were planning to go to web payments meeting 
  in SFO in late Feb.  we missed our window of opportunity to plan 
Heather Schlegel: If you want more details about DAG. I 
  produced/wrote/shot a scenario video and documentary about it: 
  Scenario:   Documentary:
Erik will send use cases for other attributes like mortgages and 
  insurance policies.
Next opportunity: Internet Identity workshop in April
Heather Schlegel: YES! You should meet at IIW! I am shooting 
  interviews for my next doc film there! April 26-28
Want charter to discuss in March for w3c - need to pick up the 
Heather Schlegel: (I am producing a new film on Internet 

Topic: Stalled Work

Manu Sporny:
Reviewing Deliverables. - have benefits - don't have "use cases" 
  (this is a fundamental deliverable)
Do we expect use cases to be influenced by the interviews?
Manu Sporny:  Some, but let's move the content we had previously 
  devleped to the w3c format
Shane McCarron: I am happy to help get stuff into W3C format if 
  we are resource limited
Daniel C. Burnett: I can do that too.  I didn't realize we were 
  waiting on that now.
Manu Sporny:  Need to work on the charter - would be proposal.  
  w3c staff suggests focus on the dataformat - might take a year to 
Eric Korb: Is it possible to establish a target timeline?
Shane McCarron: Where is the source of the current use cases?
Shane McCarron: Eric_cell, let's target getting the existing use 
  cases stuff into a respec document in the github repo in the next 
  week.  It is pretty quick once we get rolling
Shane McCarron: ... Then we can do a group review, integrate new 
  use cases, etc and get it out there before the WPIG face to face 
  at the end of Feb
Shane McCarron:  All steps
Shane McCarron: Eric_cell: okay - understood.  I will start 
  working on a timeline document so everyone can see it.

Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 22:47:39 UTC