Hi All,
I've cc'd Oshani in the hope she's got some time to inject some of her
Oshani, can you have a look at the info below and let us know your
thoughts? If your not on the list, feel welcome to join or i'll forward
your message...
Manu is better with the Geek; yet, underlying the undertaking is the need
to have some sort of DHT like method, and overall, the goal is of course to
diminish the required processing requirements, whilst enhancing the
decentralisation capacities; and overall,
creating a stable methodology that is fit for purpose.
Within your work on HTTPA, what are the key things you learn't and what do
you suggest are the most important things to consider?
I hope you don't mind me posing the question without notice...
best Regards,
Timothy Holborn
- WebCivics
- Trust Factory
- MediaProphet
- Wisdom.ai
[1] http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/Papers/IAB-privacy/httpa.pdf
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPA
On 10 September 2015 at 21:26, Eric Korb <eric.korb@accreditrust.com> wrote:
> Looks interesting if we can leverage the DHT aspects of the protocol.
> Thanks for sharing.
> Eric
> On Sep 10, 2015 3:14 AM, "Victoriano Giralt" <victoriano@uma.es> wrote:
>> This http://ipfs.io/ just came to me this morning. And it seems like a
>> godsend for the objectives of this group. Maybe not :-)
>> --
>> Victoriano Giralt Central ICT Services
>> Systems Manager University of Malaga
>> +34952131415 SPAIN
>> ==================================================================
>> Note: signature.asc is the electronic signature of present message
>> A: Yes.
>> > Q: Are you sure ?
>> >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>> >>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email ?