Re: Solutions to the NASCAR problem?

On 2015-11-22 17:10, David Chadwick wrote:
> Hi Anders

Hi David,


>>> The user sends the consumer SOP public key to the issuer and the issuer
>>> assigns the attribute to that.
>> I think you lost me here, at least with respect to the NASCAR problem.
> This is because the user does not go to any third party to authenticate
> to a site. A new key pair is generated for the site, and this
> authenticates the user each time he calls. Note however that FIDO does
> not provide any identity or authz information, just an authn key, which
> is why we need to add this functionality using issuers.

It is this sending of the consumer public key to issuer by the user which
I don't quite understand :(


Received on Sunday, 22 November 2015 16:34:04 UTC