Re: Solutions to the NASCAR problem?

On 2015-11-21 22:57, David Chadwick wrote:
> On 21/11/2015 21:32, Manu Sporny wrote:


>>> No discovery of IdPs or AAs is needed, as AAs are recorded in the
>>> FIDO metadata.
>> I'd be interested to understand how this works with multiple FIDO
>> devices. What happens when you lose a FIDO device? What does the AA set
>> as the subject of the attribute assertion (how does it identify the user
>> that the attribute belongs to)?
> The user is identified by the SOP key associated with the Issuer

This is the core part from the NASCAR perspective.
As far as I understand this information is currently not available to SPs.


Received on Sunday, 22 November 2015 05:20:13 UTC