Re: WPIG Credentials Task Force proposal

Looks great!  Hope it was received well.

*"Trust only credentials that are TrueCred*™ *verified."*
Eric Korb, President/CEO - <>

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Manu Sporny <>

> Hi all,
> Per our discussion earlier this week[1], I've put together a proposal
> for a Web Payments Interest Group (WPIG) Credentials Task Force:
> The plan is to discuss the proposal on next Monday's WPIG call. If you
> have suggestions on changes or additions, please send them to the
> mailing list by responding to this email.
> The full-text of the proposal can be found below.
> WPIG Credentials Task Force
> ---------------------------
> Goals
>    Determine if a Credentials Working Group should be created at the
>    W3C by analyzing and responding to concerns raised at W3C TPAC
>    around the value-add that W3C could provide in the space.
> Problem Statement
>    There is currently no widely used standard (measured in hundreds
>    of millions of people) for expressing and transacting digital
>    credentials on the Web.
>    Data has been gathered demonstrating[2] a desire to create an
>    interoperable credentials ecosystem that is standardized around
>    the expression and transmission of credentials. Namely, the
>    following features have been identified by the industry survey as
>    desirable:
>      * A standard data format for a credential container
>      * Issuing verifiable credentials (e.g. educational transcripts,
>        professional licenses, digital government IDs, etc.)
>      * Storing verifiable credentials at arbitrary identity
>        providers/vaults
>      * Requesting verifiable credentials from people and
>        organizations
>      * Revoking issued credentials
>      * Web Browser APIs for issuing, storing, and consuming
>        credentials
>      * User-centric credentials (credential holder is in control of
>        their own credentials)
>      * Privacy-enhanced credentials (ensuring privacy when sharing
>        certain credentials)
>      * Credential portability (credential holder should be able to
>        easily move credentials from one provider to another)
> Deliverables
>      * Create comparison between Identity Credentials and OpenID
>        Connect
>      * Create comparison between Identity Credentials and SAML
>      * Reach out to Brad Hill, Richard Barnes, and see how they'd
>        solve the problem
>      * Create comparison between Linked Data Signatures and JOSE
>      * A Credentials Vision document
>      * A Credentials Use Cases document
>      * A Credentials Roadmap document
>      * Create Credentials WG charter if W3C value-add is clear
> Success criteria
>    Either
>      * Clear documentation demonstrating that W3C cannot add value in
>        this area, or
>      * A well-socialized W3C Credentials Working Group charter (and
>        supporting documentation) that would go to a W3C AC vote.
> Task Force Operation
>    If formed, the WPIG Credentials Task Force will:
>      * be composed of representatives from the Financial sector,
>        Education, Healthcare, and Government
>      * Have weekly calls on Tuesdays at 11am ET on a to-be-determined
>        teleconference bridge
>      * Work on completing the deliverables outlined above
>      * Will have an answer around whether to create a Credentials WG
>        to the WPIG by early February
> Dependencies
>      * Coordinate with Credentials CG
>      * IETF Identity initiative
>      * Chairs of security groups in various organizations
>      * IMS Global and other education initiatives
>      * Verisys and other healthcare initiatives
> Milestones / Timelines
>      * 2015-11 - Discussion of Credentials Task Force Proposal and if
>        all goes well, the creation of the Task Force
>      * 2015-12 - Perform background research listed in deliverables
>      * 2015-01 - Start drafting charter for feedback, start
>        finalizing input documents to future WG
>      * 2016-02 - Publish background research findings, finalize draft
>        charter, finalize input documents
>      * 2016-03 - Co-locate face-to-face meeting with WPIG to discuss
>        path forward (AC review, WG creation, etc.)
> -- manu
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Web Payments: The Architect, the Sage, and the Moral Voice

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 00:12:14 UTC