- From: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 14:42:15 +1000
- To: W3C Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>
Received on Sunday, 24 May 2015 04:42:44 UTC
Pursuant to the link below, see (12) "Credentials mean the information — generally confidential — provided by a customer or PSP for the purposes of authentication. Credentials can also mean the possession of a physical tool containing the information (e.g. one-time-password generator, smart card), or something the user memorises or represents (such as biometric characteristics)." Tim.H. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Timothy Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com> Date: 24 May 2015 at 14:40 Subject: EBA: Guidelines on internet payments security To: Web Payments CG <public-webpayments@w3.org> FINAL GUIDELINES ON THE SECURITY OF INTERNET PAYMENTS [1] [1] http://www.eba.europa.eu/regulation-and-policy/consumer-protection-and-financial-innovation/guidelines-on-the-security-of-internet-payments
Received on Sunday, 24 May 2015 04:42:44 UTC