Re: Credentials healthcare Usecase: "Blood donors in Sweden get a text message whenever their blood saves someone's life"


How would notation be provided to declare whether something is mandatory or



Where in the spec are we outlining WoT extensions that better support
complex usecases.

The below example has alot of opportunities.

Yet equally could be used in nefarious ways, making demands for biological
products, and other forms of questionable application.

The difference is likely defined in notation, whether that be part of the
applied linkeddata application of credentials standards work, or otherwise.

On 21:32, Thu, 11/06/2015 Timothy Holborn <> wrote:

> The idea of issuing someone a verified badge notating how many lives
> they've saved?
> Would change the way I read a linkedin profile...

Received on Friday, 12 June 2015 23:26:54 UTC