- From: Leuba, Mark <mleuba@pathway-technology.com>
- Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 12:04:55 -0500
- To: Credentials Community Group <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAK-W6B0jo=+jUYhPD3K5M--9WRWngKb6xaz2=GxAABskLtJzfQ@mail.gmail.com>
Hello All, I have created a separate excerpt document here based on today's agreement to extract the Vocabulary as a separate document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQrBwK5tiggSWMXh7ByZ4acEjtMaIMgqyQey67fh5TQ/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xQrBwK5tiggSWMXh7ByZ4acEjtMaIMgqyQey67fh5TQ/edit?usp=sharing> I created the document through my personal google account mark.leuba@gmail.com so you should have access without issue. Here is a copy inline. Thanks! -Mark The Credentials VocabularyEntities Credential - a claim from an entity(s) that denotes qualification, achievement, quality, or other pieces of information about an entity’s background such as a name, government ID, payment provider, home address, or university degree. Recipient - also known as the credential-owner or credentialee, an entity <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-entity> that is in control of a particular credential <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-credential>; who is typically both the primary subject of the information in a credential and the entity that initiates its transmission. Issuer - an entity <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-entity> that creates and assigns credentials <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-credential> to recipients. Requestor - an entity <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-entity> that requests a credential <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-credential> from a recipient. User agent - a program, such as a browser or other Web client, that mediates the communication between the recipient and the requestor <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-requestor> on behalf of the a credential recipient. Credential Service - a program, such as a credential <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-credential> storage vault or personal credential wallet, that stores and protects access to an credentialee's <http://opencreds.org/specs/source/use-cases/#dfn-credentialee> credentials and can, on request, provide secure access to Requestors. The software process involved is known as the Credential Agent. Credential Agent - secure access of a credentialee’s credentials to a requestor is done through a credential agent Endorser - an entity, such as a witness or another organization, that provides assurances of the value or validity of a credential. Classes Claim - a property value pair, where the issuer asserts one quality or attribute of a credential earner or of an achievement attributable to the earner. The property name takes the form of an IRI, dereferencable to a term definition. Claims may be gathered into claim sets. Credential Class - a specific defined set of claims intended to be issued as an unchanging set to many recipients. A credential class may be specific to one issuer or shared between multiple issuers. It contains the properties of the credential that apply to all its recipients. Credential Instance - A credential class as issued to one recipient by one issuer, packaged in digital form to be reliably verified with a cryptographic signature. It encapsulates the credential class’s claims, but it also includes properties that apply specifically to the recipient’s credential, such as its date of issue, and claims particular to the earner, such as a unique identification number. Credential Collection - A composition of multiple credentials earned by one recipient. A collection may be assembled by their recipient for transmission initiated by that recipient, or may be dynamically composed upon a requestor’s petition. Credential recipients direct Credential Services how to respond to requests, which requestors are permitted to see different credentials, and whether recipient approval is required before responding to a request. Identity - An IRI acts as a common identifier for an identity, which can serve as Issuer, Recipient, Endorser or Requestor of credentials. See the Identity Credentials spec draft. Properties Credentials vary from one another based on the identity of the issuer and recipient, and the properties that define their content. Properties may apply to issuers, to credential classes or to credential instances/recipients. ### *Mark Leuba* Managing Director Pathway Technology Partners 443.574.5401 www.linkedin.com/in/markleuba www.pathway-technology.com
Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 17:05:54 UTC