- From: Stuart Sutton <sasutton@dublincore.net>
- Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 12:55:49 -0700
- To: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Cc: Credentials CG <public-credentials@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAK74qRuDosMYx83ppqD5JLF4eHnVFEkQUFCB2FMPdx4d6SRwng@mail.gmail.com>
Manu, just a brief note per the mention of Dublin Core in the recruiting section. I am here as a participant and probably the closest thing to CEO you'll find in DCMI. I believe that you've communicated with DCMI's AC Rep, Tom Baker. I'm not the most qualified in DCMI to be here; but I'll have to do until we arrang for someone with the qualifications/time/interest to take my place. Bottom line, Dublin Core is here. Stuart Sutton DCMI Managing Director On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 9:26 AM, <msporny@digitalbazaar.com> wrote: > Thanks to Dave Longley for scribing this week! The minutes > for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available: > > http://opencreds.org/minutes/2015-08-04/ > > Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes. > Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below). > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > Credentials Community Group Telecon Minutes for 2015-08-04 > > Agenda: > > https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2015Aug/0006.html > Topics: > 1. Recruiting > 2. Glossary Document > 3. Vision document > Action Items: > 1. Manu to reach out to Arnaud and James Snell about > Credentials and Conexa. > Organizer: > Manu Sporny > Scribe: > Dave Longley > Present: > Dave Longley, Manu Sporny, Nate Otto, Richard Varn, Matt Stone, > Eric Korb, Gregg Kellogg, David I. Lehn, Brian Sletten, John > Tibbetts, Rob Trainer, Andrew Rosen > Audio: > http://opencreds.org/minutes/2015-08-04/audio.ogg > > Dave Longley is scribing. > > Topic: Recruiting > > Manu Sporny: We'll likely be having similar calls for the next > month as we get these documents into shape. > Manu Sporny: We had a couple of new organizations join thanks to > the emails Mark Leuba and John Tibbetts sent out. Thanks very > much for that, actually 8 or so more organizations due to that. > Manu Sporny: I haven't had a chance to update the recruiting > document yet. > Manu Sporny: Maybe by mid this week, Eric, we might want to send > another ping around to give people a last chance to say they want > to participate. > Manu Sporny: I'm trying to get in touch with the CEO of Dublin > Core to get them onboard. I note that we still don't have many > healthcare companies on here so we want to note that with our > contacts. > Nate Otto: I reached out to IBM, they are already a W3C member, > but their team working on credentials is very interested in this > work and hopefully they'll circulate this around. > Manu Sporny: Are you speaking with Arnaud Lehore (sp)? > Nate Otto: No, we've got another high level contact. > Manu Sporny: We've got people in the Linked Data space > interested and so that's good that we've got multiple contacts. > Richard Varn: If someone is talking to IBM is that they own > Kenexa which is training and HR stuff and they'll be very > interested in that. > Manu Sporny: Do you have any contacts there? > Richard Varn: No, I just know they are interested in this kind > of stuff. > > ACTION: Manu to reach out to Arnaud and James Snell about > Credentials and Conexa. > > Matt Stone: I know we're having a discussion with IBM right now > about some badging stuff, maybe I can also find out who we're > talking with over there and make some in roads. > Manu Sporny: I'll try and send out an email after this call > linking all the IBM contacts we know. > Manu Sporny: I'll send out an email to the effect of "we need a > central contact for this" > Eric Korb: I had a conversation last week with Acclaim, and > they're working on us with IMS Global, and ... I had a > conversation with Peter Jansow from IMS yesterday and he's > participating in that project. They said they'll participate in > standards groups where they plan to incorporate it into their > product. I presume that eventually they'll have to be looking at > the standard [bad audio for me]. My sense is that they are a > maybe with a capital M. Peter Jansow is the contact there, from > Acclaim. > Nate Otto: I only saw two links -- are there 4 ready for internal > viewing now? > > Topic: Glossary Document > > Manu Sporny: http://opencreds.org/specs/source/glossary/ > Manu Sporny: Based on the hard work that Eric did on an internal > document around glossary, I've taken almost all of those > definitions, the ones that pertain to this CG, and updated the > ReSpec version. > Manu Sporny: If you look in the terminology section, scroll > about 50% of the way down the link in IRC, you'll see the latest > and greatest terminology. > Manu Sporny: This is the terminology I've heard used in the > group and Eric has documented, so not much should be surprising. > I added a few things. I stripped out authorization.io because > it's a specific service and glossaries don't generally discuss > those. Matt Stone, I know we've got this discussion about earner > vs. recipient and we should at some point work through that. If > we add earner to the glossary or if we change recipient to > earner, etc. > Gregg Kellogg: I noticed we updated the Vision document and > there's a missing link to "requestor" which has been removed? > Manu Sporny: Yeah, I think we call them "credential consumer" > now. So it should be replaced with that. > Gregg Kellogg: Ok, I'll take care of that. > Nate Otto: (Earner vs. recipient): I suggest adding a note to the > recipient definition that says the recipient is sometimes called > the earner. > Manu Sporny: We don't have to review the glossary on the call > today, just a heads up that I think it's aligned with what the > group thinks. If you have a spare second please read through it > and send review feedback to the mailing list. If you disagree > with the text please say "This is what the text says today and > this is what I think it should be changed to" > Manu Sporny: Nate, that's great feedback, please send it to the > mailing list so the editors don't lose track of it. > Gregg Kellogg: If you can create an issue on the website that > makes sure it gets tracked. > Gregg Kellogg: A good idea is to transfer things that come in > into github issues. > Nate Otto: On credential consumer vs requestor: requestor is an > awkward term a little bit, but it is more specific than consumer, > because consumers can either be pushed credentials or can pull > (request) them. > Eric Korb: > > https://github.com/mozilla/openbadges-specification/blob/master/Assertion/latest.md > Nate Otto: The link Eric shared is an old version of the Open > Badges specification. Latest version at https://openbadgespec.org > Eric Korb: When I first built this I used a lot of the > "Assertion" link. We're trying to draw parallels, does it make > sense to link back to that spec to create synonymous > representations? > Eric Korb: I don't know if we have one on every item but we have > a lot of them. There are sometimes things that are duplicated. > The context stands alone, but on top of that we have a vernacular > with overlap. I think the context needs to be a whole different > treatment from what we're doing with this glossary. > Nate Otto: I'll take an action to review this glossary. > Manu Sporny: I think that's the right approach, the context is > far more low-level. There are more terms in there (glossary). > Nate Otto: Good work so far, all. > Manu Sporny: > http://opencreds.org/specs/source/glossary/#cross-references > Manu Sporny: To answer the question, "What do we do with > synonyms, etc?" ... the way it should work is we take a glossary > term and we cross reference it to "assertion" in the OBI spec. > Manu Sporny: That makes it clear that when we say "claim" we > mean "assertion". I don't know if that's quite true today for > that example, but that's how things line up. > Manu Sporny: That's how we do it with other standards bodies > etc. > Manu Sporny: With cross references. > Gregg Kellogg: There's actually a mechanism specifically > referring to external definitions and that's the place to do it. > We'll also need an ontology, a prescribed vocabulary for mark up. > The context becomes derived from the ontology. Glossary - > ontology - context. I have some tools that I've created to manage > all of these things in a spreadsheet and emit all the appropriate > documents. And when I'm ready we can port those over for our > purposes. > Manu Sporny: Yes, thank you Gregg. We'll definitely need a > vocabulary. We've pieced some of that together today with the > demo. > Nate Otto: On the glossary topic, here's a sentence that I wrote > to show the difference between a few different terms that are > often confused in the Open Badges space: > Nate Otto: "An issuer organization decides to start a badge > program, so its staff members design a badge system to go with > the program’s content delivery and assessment practices. Then > they run badge software to issue badges to recipients. " > Manu Sporny: I think there's an open badges vocab ... it's kind > of been an amalgam of a bunch of different vocabs. > Eric Korb: This is for Matt Stone. I looked at the Acclaim API > documentation and I noticed that you guys have some specific > terms I haven't seen before. I was wondering if you could take a > look [bad audio]. > Eric Korb: I'll send the link over, in the API documentation on > Acclaim, I saw some documentation I hadn't seen before, I saw the > term "guarantor" and I was wondering if we should include that in > the glossary. > Matt Stone: Yeah, sure. > > Topic: Vision document > > Matt Stone: It's "grantor" not "guarantor". > Manu Sporny: http://opencreds.org/specs/source/vision/ > Manu Sporny: > > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y92W2FjGKb-ECrdXqtPk-nPzfGZ1FVGIVrtex9A437E/edit > Gregg Kellogg: http://opencreds.org/specs/source/vision/ > Manu Sporny: I went through all of the Web Payment specific > things and looked at the goals that we have in our executive > summary and tried to elaborate on those. That combined with > working on these blog posts has really helped refine, I think, > the statements in the vision document. If you look at section > 3... > Manu Sporny: > > http://opencreds.org/specs/source/vision/#desireable-properties-of-a-credentials-architecture > Manu Sporny: We call them "desirable properties for a > credentials architecture" > Eric Korb: > https://www.youracclaim.com/docs/issuer_authorizations#get-grantors > Manu reads section 3. > Manu Sporny: That section translates all of the goals we had > written down in our executive summary a few months ago; it puts > them into the vision doc in a pretty succinct way. Any questions > on the vision doc or where we are with it? > None > Manu Sporny: The next step is review of that document and to > send the feedback to the mailing list/github tracker. > Gregg Kellogg: If we remove the large terminology section that > would be good. > Manu Sporny: Yeah, it should be smaller. I think you have to > specify an extra param to do that. > Gregg Kellogg: Oh yeah, that's what it is. > Manu Sporny: I don't know if roadmap, use cases, or capabilities > have been updated in the last week. Anything anyone wants to > mention on those? > Manu Sporny: I think we can probably strike discussion of the > glossary and vision docs on calls after this one until we get > review feedback. There's no real reason to discuss them on calls > until then. > Eric Korb: @All I'm out next week. > Manu Sporny: We do need review comments flowing in, so if we > don't see that coming in over the next week we'll ask people to > take actions to do it. > Manu Sporny: Once we get roadmap and use cases into shape that's > really good news because that's effectively what an IG would have > done. At that point is becomes more difficult for people to > suggest we need to create an IG because the output of an IG is > those types of docs. > Manu Sporny: I think we should have a complete set of docs for a > WG to pick up by the end of Sept/early Oct. > Manu Sporny: I think that's it for the call today. > > > > >
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