Re: BA and Credentials/Badging Vocabulary

I want to share with this group some of the work that Nate Otto and the
Standards community have been undertaking so far, as further reference:

   - We have
   been working on the definitions for Open Badges that will eventually form a
   context document
   - Slide deck that goes into a bit more detail on the code on our
   thinking of Open Badges with JSON-LD drafted by Nate Otto:

   - slide deck Nate put together to illustrate some ideas about the
   different options available to open badges as far as extensions go:
      - n.b. There are two different approaches (at least) to implementing

How do you advise we surface this work during TPAC?


On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Melvin Carvalho <>

> On 20 October 2014 16:39, Manu Sporny <> wrote:
>> There is an draft Agenda item for the Credentials CG at the upcoming W3C
>> TPAC meeting titled "Credentials Vocabulary (led by Badge Alliance?)".
>> There is also one for "Merge technical work - Open Badges and Identity
>> Credentials".
>> The general idea here is to try and work toward the Badge Alliance's
>> specs where it makes sense to do so. BA has been busy exploring if they
>> can move toward JSON-LD[1], and it became clear to the folks at Digital
>> Bazaar and Accreditrust that it wouldn't be productive to create yet
>> another vocabulary that does more-or-less what the BA specs do wrt. the
>> data that goes into a badge.
>> Namely, the Assertion specification lays out the vocabulary necessary to
>> do basic badging in the "Structures" section:
> Sounds good, if the data reaches a certain quality I could reuse this work.
> One example:
> "identity": "sha256$c7ef86405ba71b85acd8e2e95166c4b111448089f2e1599f42fe1bba46e865c5"
> It would be be more portable to use a URI here such as ni:///sha-256;
>> We could convert the structures to a Linked Data vocabulary and a
>> JSON-LD Context. For example, the human-readable vocabulary could be
>> expressed like so (note the embedded RDFa in the page that is
>> machine-readable):
>> The document could also be content-negotiated to other formats by
>> machines to get something more machine-readable, like so:
>> The vocabulary could then be used in a JSON-LD context file, like so:
>> The general proposal is that the Credentials CG could create a first cut
>> of these documents and then hand them over to the BA for further
>> development, refinement, addition, etc. Or, the documents could be
>> placed into the Credentials CG and pushed toward "official standard"
>> status at W3C with BA being the primary maintainer/author of the
>> documents.
>> Doing this would be a first solid step toward merging the work that the
>> BA is doing and the work that has been done in the Web Payments CG and
>> Credentials CG. Creating a shared vocabulary will enable both
>> communities to at least use a common language when describing
>> badges/credentials. Using JSON-LD would be a step toward using a common
>> syntax, and ensure that even if we just stop there, that the two
>> ecosystems would be largely interoperable (with the only big differences
>> being with how badges/credentials are digitally signed).
>> -- manu
>> [1]
>> --
>> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: High-Stakes Credentials and Web Login

Received on Monday, 20 October 2014 21:00:03 UTC