Welcome; Introductions; charter scope

Welcome new members Simon Pietro Romano, Eva Méndez, glad to have your
expertise and perspectives.




I posted a short document
https://www.w3.org/community/covid-19/drafts-for-discussion/ with pointers
to other documents so people can find them when visiting  the group home
page,  https://www.w3.org/community/covid-19/


I think the charter “scope” is important; how do we wind up narrowing the
scope of work so that we don’t wind up in a “boil the ocean” scenario, while
producing something that is generally useful?


My current thought is to split the “Going Remote” document into “Use Cases”
and “Requirements”, and for “Use Cases”  to focus on collecting POINTERS to
documents about (at least partially) SUCCESSFUL transitions to all remote.
We should prioritize RECENT transitions if we can, in order to really act as
a “clearinghouse” of best practices.


That’s a subset of the topics outlined so far…. We can expand later to cover
use cases where no one has successfully deployed a solution but with some
more work it might.








Received on Sunday, 15 March 2020 20:45:24 UTC