Declarative Linked Data Apps Community Group Launched

With your support, the Declarative Linked Data Apps Community Group has been launched:

To join:

This group was originally proposed on 2014-02-18
by Dziugas Tornau. The following people supported its
      Dziugas Tornau
      Martynas Jusevicius
      Arto Bendiken
      james anderson
      Brad Jones
The mission of this group is to produce a specification that describes
how Web and Linked Data applications can be built using declarative
technologies only, minimizing the need for source code.

Current software development models involve writing source code (mostly
in imperative languages) and building programs from it. Source code is
prone to bugs, and managing it requires developers. The declarative
approach is instead to push as much application logic from source code
to data, so that the application can be managed and reused as data
itself, while the software become generic and application-independent.

This approach is related to functional languages and to processing
pipelines. The generic software works as a processor: it takes the
incoming request and the declarative application description and runs it
through a pipeline, first retrieving the state of the requested resource
(or changing it) and then rendering it into the requested format, such
as a Web page. This is similar to an XSLT processor transforming XML

Graphity is a production-level platform for declarative end-user Linked
Data applications with an RDF triplestore backend. It processes
ontologies describing application structure, which seemlesly combine
multiple declarative technolgies: URI templates, SPIN SPARQL templates,
XSLT stylesheets (both server- and client-side), and RDF/POST encoding.

Please join this group if you're interested in any practical or
theoretical aspects of Linked Data, declarative technologies, or
Graphity software.

Thank you,

W3C Community Development Team

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 18:31:45 UTC