Re: Next Steps for W3C Coremob

Hi Natasha,

There are lots of things that the web can do right now which apps cannot.  These include:

Sharing (though some OSs provide mechanisms for this to be done)
Search engine discoverable content
Deep linking
Saving content for re-use elsewhere

Best wishes,


Dr Robert Shilston [07940 387593 | skype:rtshilston | @rtshilston]
Director, FT Labs [ | 0870 085 2038 | @ftlabs]

On 11 Mar 2013, at 17:52, Natasha Rooney wrote:
> Furthermore another great focus will be where the web has advantages over
> native (as you said below). This is another hot topic I come up against a
> lot, when devs say "yeah but it'll never be as good as native"; it will be
> great to say "well can your crappy native app do THIS AWESOME THING THAT
> ONLY WEB CAN DO" but perhaps in a nicer way!
> Natasha


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