RE: Draft Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter

More comments based upon a discussion on the AC list:

Add to "Participation is open to W3C Members and invited experts and others who have observer status.":  "Observer status is automatically extended to current and future members of the CoreMob CG in particular, upon request through the public mailing list @@@. Observers in the Web and Mobile Interest Group will have the ability to contribute equally in the work of the group including virtual and F2F meeting attendance.".

Current CoreMob members are recommended to pay attention to that offer of observer status, which AFAICT is unique in W3C.

It's my intent that at least for the near term, the CoreMob CG continue as a "front door" at least where people who are interested about W3C's focus on mobile use cases can learn about what W3C is doing and how to get involved. If/when that difficulty to getting involved (e.g. how would one know that the IG exists and how to gain observer status, and even what that means? Is the intended openness expressed in the charter really happening?) is addressed by the W3C (e.g. thru site improvements ala the "JOIN THIS GROUP" button in the list of CGs at [1]), then the rationale for the CG as an outreach tool may diminish. But even them, we need to foster a place where *any* topic of interest to market stakeholders can be openly discussed and get mail list and meeting time, without having to fight for priority against document/phase deliverable schedules and charter limitations. If this new IG sets a precedent for that level of openness, it will be a good thing for W3C and the current CoreMob CG.


Bryan Sullivan 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 3:44 PM
To: Jo Rabin; Coremob
Subject: RE: Draft Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter


Here are my comments to the charter. 

Our general position is that the CoreMob CG should continue and provide a more open/unstructured dialog forum for determining what's important, and perhaps more narrowly focused now that part of its charter is being addressed by the testing activity. The CoreMob CG should have the charter or at least the lion's share of responsibility to develop CoreMob 2013 and beyond. This is important to continue the engagement with current CoreMob members, as they consider closer involvement with W3C through the IG - not all will be able to join the CG and we need to continue fostering a community of non-W3C members through the Community Group process.

Just a few specific comments on the charter:

"telecoms" -> "network operators"

Under "3.2 External Groups" I would add IETF, especially for their work on HTTP 2.0 as that (potentially) will be one of the key considerations for technology developed outside W3C.

Under "3.1 W3C Groups" I would add the existing CoreMob Community Group as I recommend that it continue and have a special working relationship with the new IG as noted below.

Under "4. Participation" I would add that contributions from related Community Groups (there could be multiple, in the end) be especially welcomed and given special consideration in the development of the work of the new IG.

Bryan Sullivan 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Rabin [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:29 AM
To: Coremob
Subject: Draft Web and Mobile Interest Group Charter

Hi everyone, please find attached a Draft Charter for the Web and Mobile Interest Group which has been under discussion on this list for a while now.

Comments much welcomed.

Many thanks

Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 13:32:54 UTC