Re: Potential Contributor

On Tue, 1 May 2012, Piyush Kumar wrote:

> Hello
> I just graduated from SCS, Carnegie Mellon Univesity and I work for now. I would like to contribute to open source development of coremob and ringmark.
> I did not have exposure to production level code up until now in my job and I am still getting used to it. Could you please tell me what  is the best way to contribute to the open source development
> ?

I think the most helpful thing that anyone looking to contribute can do is 
to get involved with the wider W3C testing effort. Pretty much any web 
spec you can name could benefit from more and better tests.

The W3C test server has its home at [1]. For information 
about contributing to the HTML testsuite, WebApps testsuites or CSS 
testsuites, see [2], [3] and [4] respectively.


Received on Sunday, 6 May 2012 18:49:56 UTC