RE: Ringmark is now open source

RE: prefixes
What Tobie said at the end of his post hits it on the head:

"Coremob level 0 is descriptive, it is therefore quite logical for it to
tolerate certain features (which ones exactly is TBD, but that shouldn't
be to difficult to agree upon) being available prefixed-only on some
platforms, as that is a correct description of the current state of the

However, Coremob level 1 aims to be prescriptive rather than descriptive
and will explicitly require features to be available prefix-free."

Ring 0 is the state of the world today--features/functionality devs already depend upon, including prefixes.  Further Rings (like 1, 2, etc) are meant to be prefix-free.

DRM is a complicated topic, I agree (although I don't know if it's up there with flying cars--or at least, I hope not. :)).  The point is that DRM is important because app developers require it, otherwise they can't build their apps. Because such a large amount of developers and apps (and hence, users) rely on it, it belongs in Ring 1.  It will be a much harder (probably impossible) sell to consumers if these web apps aren't available, given the current market.

Netflix/Google/Microsoft introduced a spec that aims to solve this problem.  I haven’t looked at it in detail yet and I expect that the spec will evolve as more folks add input--however, it might be a viable option.  There is movement in this space.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Kelly [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 4:10 PM
To: Marcos Caceres; Tobie Langel
Cc: Thaddee Tyl; Wonsuk Lee;
Subject: RE: Ringmark is now open source

The point of Ringmark is to enable developers to build modern web apps for smartphones (primarily touch devices).  Opera has a browser on smartphones, but it doesn't have significant market share.  Opera mini, which does have a large amount of market share, is targeted at feature phones.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcos Caceres [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 4:02 PM
To: Tobie Langel
Cc: Thaddee Tyl; Matt Kelly; Wonsuk Lee;
Subject: Re: Ringmark is now open source

On Wednesday, 4 April 2012 at 23:44, Tobie Langel wrote:

> On 4/5/12 12:36 AM, "Marcos Caceres" < (> wrote:
> > Even if we stick to the current model, seems kinda weird to ignore 
> > Opera given that it's the world's most used mobile browser 
> > (according to stat counter [1]).
> That's nearly exclusively Opera mini, unfortunately. :(

What's your point? Is that not considered a web browser? 

Marcos Caceres

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 23:22:21 UTC