Re: Ringmark is now open source

On 04/04/2012 04:00 AM, Wonsuk Lee wrote:
> Hi. Matt.
> Thanks for quick reply.
> I have one more question. Current version of Ringmark tests twice(prefix and
> non-prefix) for some features. E.g. css3-flexbox, css3-images, indexed db in
> Ring1 and canvas-3d in Ring2.

I think it is clear that we should never test for prefixed things, 
including as an optional pass condition e.g. we shouldn't have tests 
that pass with either a correct implementation of a "foo" CSS property 
or of a "-o-foo" CSS property.

Prefixed things are not supposed to be part of part of the interoperable 
web platform; they are in essence proprietary features. When people use 
prefixed things in production, they become part of the de-facto platform 
(people can't drop the prefixes without breaking sites), thus causing 
fragmentation. When vendors fix this fragmentation by implementing other 
vendor's prefixes people get upset. None of this is beneficial to the 
platform as a whole.

If there is some technology that we think out to be part of the 
interoperable platform, but is only available prefixed, we should fix 
that by making vendors implement the unprefixed form. If there is some 
bureaucratic reason they are avoiding this e.g. WG Process issues, we 
should put pressure on the relevant people to fix those issues rather 
than endorse the brokenness.

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2012 08:30:08 UTC