Re: I considered presenting

Creating a usable barter system also requires actions be accompolished
*early* in time.

Here is my vision of such a system:

First of all, this requires something I call either a "Production Arena",
or (less often) a "Vertically Integrated Permaculture Mosaic".

The Production Arena (or VIPM) is the interlocking Physical Sources such as
land and water rights and plants and animals and tools and other things
needed to create a "Basic Outcome" for all the participants.

And so we attract middle-to-upper-income investors to supply the money to
buy these Physical Sources for an advertised return of organic goods and
services in the future - though they will actually be receiving
co-ownership in the Production Arena, and receiving the goods and services
as a 'side-effect' of that co-ownership.  In this way we eliminate the
buying and selling of those goods and services.

And we must also attract middle-to-lower-income investors to cross-commit
their *future* labor in return for co-ownership in the Production Arena.

By "cross-commit" I mean each worker will promise to work in a specific
part of the Production Arena (say milking cows) in return for receiving
co-ownership in many other parts of the Production Arena needed to supply
him with all of his basic needs.

I need to refine how I explain this, because there is a bit more to it that
I did not include in the above...

Each investors (whether committing money or future labor) will usually
receive a 'bundle' of property-rights *and* commitments from others to
perform the future labor necessary to accomplish that production.

For example, the cow-milker would usually receive both ownership in the
dentist office *and* commitments from the dentist to fix his teeth in the
future when necessary.

When used in conjunction these commitments create the kind of security that
insurance pretends to deliver.  I sometimes call it "life assurance".

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 01:49:38 UTC