Re: 'getting ball rolling' here =)

Excerpts from Melvin Carvalho's message of 2012-02-06 22:16:05 +0000:
> On 6 February 2012 22:02, elf Pavlik <> wrote:
<snip />
> > So as a first challenge I would like to take coming up with recommendation on how to publish personal list of wishes/offers including various resources and services. Next step I would see to have possibility for each of items on such list, to state which 'accounting systems' you stay open to use for transaction.
> I think a great way to publish offers is using the goodrelations markup:

ok, looks interesting. two questions pop up:
* how to describe wishes?
  someone on public-vocabs were suggesting 'demands' in this thread:
* at first glance goodrelations makes assumption of using an accounting system of 'mainstream/state money', any suggestions how to approach listing multiple 'accounting systems' per offering/wish, where 'mainstream money' would act just as one of many avialable options (including non monetary services like ones based on 'social karma', 'shared benefit' etc.)?

@Melvin, great thanks for sharing your expertise!

@Marcus in your 'Personal Data Store' where you implement 'Vendor Relationship Management', do you have any notion of a wishlist? BTW looking at VRM wiki it looks like folks from do something similar in the field of web services...

~ elf pavlik ~
(living strictly moneyless already for over 2 years)

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2012 08:30:38 UTC