sentence wording is confusing and wrong

Name: Karin Carlson
Affiliation: instructor
Document: TD
Item Number: ARIA18
Part of Item: Description
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: sentence wording is confusing and wrong
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Here is the current text: Note that the alertdialog should not be present in a way that it will be accessed by AT until it is needed. One way to do this is not to include it in the static HTML and instead to insert it into the DOM via script when the error condition is triggered. The insertion would correspond to the following HTML sample. 

Proposed Change:
Note that the alertdialog should be presented so it is accessed by AT only when it is needed. One way to do this is to omit it from the static HTML, and instead insert it into the DOM via script when the error condition is triggered. The insertion would correspond to the following HTML sample. 

Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2017 02:50:39 UTC