This incorrectly states a failure of 3.2.1

Name: chaals mccathie nevile
Affiliation: yandex
Document: TD
Item Number: F52
Part of Item: Applicability
Comment Type: technical
Summary of Issue: This incorrectly states a failure of 3.2.1
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Changing a document on load, i.e. before the user has focused anything, does not fail success criterion 3.2.1 as stated in this technique, since it does not occur as the result of a change in focus, but rather as the consequence of a request to activate a link.

Nor does it fail 3.2.5 since there is no timing implication, it is merely part of the synchronous loading of resources that occurs as a result of following a link.

Proposed Change:
Remove the technique from failure modes

Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 09:18:10 UTC