Using comas, semi colons or full stop at the end of each list item.

Name: Sylvie Duchateau
Affiliation: Association BrailleNet
Document: UW
Item Number: Introduction to Understanding WCAG 2.0
Part of Item: Intent
Comment Type: editorial
Summary of Issue: Using comas, semi colons or full stop at the end of each list item.
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
During the review process of the French translation of Understanding WCAG 2.0, the French reviewers noted that punctuations would not be used in an appropriate way, in particular at the end of each item of a list ul li. They request that punctuations should be reviewed in a future version of the document. 

Proposed Change:
In particular, concerning the three items list, just before heading 3 "sufficient and advisory techniques" the three items list should end with a full stop, as we reach the intent of a section. 
Actual wording:
"descriptions of the intent of the Success Criteria, including benefits, and examples" should be changed in: 
descriptions of the intent of the Success Criteria, including benefits, and examples."
We inform the Working Group that we added this full stop at the end of the list, but only for this particular issue.  

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 10:58:24 UTC