Comment LC-1060

Comment 38:

(Issue ID: LC-1060)

3.2.1 & 2.2.5: From my reading, 3.2.1 outlaws changes of context when a
component receives focus, but 2.2 allows changes in content for no reason
(only outlawing at L3)

Proposed Change:

Rewrite SC 3.2.1 and 2.2.5

Response from Working Group:

While it is possible that the result of a time limit expiration may be a
change in context or content, success criterion 2.2.1 and 3.2.1 (both at
level A) work together to ensure that both unexpected changes in context as
the result of a component receving focus (3.2.1) and changes in content
resulting from a time-out (2.2.1) will not occur unexpectedly. While
exceptions to success criterion 2.2.1 for real-time events and activities
where timing is essential exist, guideline 2.2 does not allow changes in
content for no reason.
Response from GSW:
I interpreted this SC differently from the stated intention above so perhaps
the WG should consider clarifying some of the SC to avoid such confusion

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 15:35:44 UTC